■ USB通信2
■ PIC18F14K50 HIDクラス LED 点灯/消灯制御&表示
・PC(Windows)上のボタンスイッチ×4個をクリックすると PIC18F40K50のキバン上の対応するLEDがON/OFFすること
・USB通信ONのボタンボタンスイッチをフォーム上にもうけること。 またUSB通信が確立したら”接続完了!”の文字をテキストボックスに表示のこと
★ PC側のソフト(Windows)は こちらを参照願います
<プログラム例> //Ledx4 オンオフ制御 //PIC18F14K50 #include "usb.h" #include "HardwareProfile.h" #include "usb_function_hid.h" //システムクロック48MHz(= 12MHz x 4PLL) #pragma config CPUDIV = NOCLKDIV ,USBDIV = OFF, PCLKEN = ON #pragma config FOSC = HS, PLLEN = ON, HFOFST = OFF #pragma config PWRTEN = ON, BOREN = OFF, MCLRE = OFF, BORV = 30 #pragma config WDTEN = OFF, LVP = OFF, FCMEN = OFF, IESO = OFF #pragma config CP0 = OFF, XINST = OFF // USB関連バッファ、変数定義 #pragma udata usbram2 unsigned char ReceivedDataBuffer[64]; unsigned char SendBuf[64]; #pragma udata USB_HANDLE USBOutHandle = 0; USB_HANDLE USBInHandle = 0; BOOL blinkStatusValid = TRUE; //グローバル変数定義 BYTE counter; BOOL blinkStatusValid; //コマンド定数定義 typedef enum { CHECK = 0x30, POUT = 0x31, PIN = 0x32, AIN = 0x33, RESET = 0xFF }TYPE_CMD; void BlinkUSBStatus(void); void ProcessIO(void); void YourHighPriorityISRCode(); void YourLowPriorityISRCode(); void USBCBSendResume(void); // 割り込みベクタ定義 #pragma code REMAPPED_HIGH_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x08 void Remapped_High_ISR (void) { _asm goto YourHighPriorityISRCode _endasm } #pragma code REMAPPED_LOW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x18 void Remapped_Low_ISR (void) { _asm goto YourLowPriorityISRCode _endasm } // 割り込み処理関数 #pragma code #pragma interrupt YourHighPriorityISRCode void YourHighPriorityISRCode() { USBDeviceTasks(); } #pragma interruptlow YourLowPriorityISRCode void YourLowPriorityISRCode() { } #pragma code void main(void) { ANSEL = 0x00; // デジタルに設定 TRISC = 0; //LEDポート(RC0-RC3) :out LATC = 0; //全LED消灯 //USB関連 USBDeviceInit(); // USB初期化 USBInHandle = 0; USBOutHandle = 0; blinkStatusValid = TRUE; // USB目印LED有効化 USBDeviceAttach(); // USB割り込み有効化 while(1) { //USB接続中なら送受信実行 if((USBDeviceState >= CONFIGURED_STATE)&&(USBSuspendControl!=1)) ProcessIO(); // コマンド実行 } } //ユーザーアプリの入出力処理関数 void ProcessIO(void) { //データ受信処理 if(!HIDRxHandleBusy(USBOutHandle)) { blinkStatusValid = FALSE; SendBuf[0] = ReceivedDataBuffer[0]; SendBuf[1] = ReceivedDataBuffer[1]; //コマンドの処理 switch(ReceivedDataBuffer[0]) // コマンドコードチェック //受信データの先頭バイトチェック { //接続確認応答 case CHECK: //0x30 SendBuf[2] = 'O'; SendBuf[3] = 'K'; if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); break; //LED制御の場合 case POUT: //0x31, if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x31){ //LED0の場合 if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x31) { mLED_1_On(); } //LED:ON else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x30) { mLED_1_Off(); } //LED:OFF SendBuf[2] = mLED_1 + 0x30; } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x32){ //LED1の場合 if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x31) { mLED_2_On(); } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x30) { mLED_2_Off(); } SendBuf[2] = mLED_2 + 0x30; } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x33){ //LED2の場合 if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x31) { mLED_3_On(); } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x30) { mLED_3_Off(); } SendBuf[2] = mLED_3 + 0x30; } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x34){ //LED3の場合 if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x31) { mLED_4_On(); } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x30) { mLED_4_Off(); } SendBuf[2] = mLED_4 + 0x30; } if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); break; default: break; } // 次の受信実行 USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer,64); } } /****************************************************************** ************** USB Callback Functions ***************************** *******************************************************************/ /****************************************************************** * Function: void USBCBSuspend(void) ******************************************************************/ void USBCBSuspend(void) { } /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBWakeFromSuspend(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBWakeFromSuspend(void) { } /******************************************************************** * Function: void USBCB_SOF_Handler(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCB_SOF_Handler(void) { } /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBErrorHandler(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBErrorHandler(void) { } /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void) { USBCheckHIDRequest(); }//end /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBStdSetDscHandler(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBStdSetDscHandler(void) { }//end /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBInitEP(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBInitEP(void) { //enable the HID endpoint USBEnableEndpoint(HID_EP,USB_IN_ENABLED|USB_OUT_ENABLED|USB_HANDSHAKE_ENABLED|USB_DISALLOW_SETUP); //Re-arm the OUT endpoint for the next packet USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer,64); } /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBSendResume(void) ******************************************************************/ void USBCBSendResume(void) { static WORD delay_count; if(USBGetRemoteWakeupStatus() == TRUE) { //Verify that the USB bus is in fact suspended, before we send //remote wakeup signalling. if(USBIsBusSuspended() == TRUE) { USBMaskInterrupts(); //Clock switch to settings consistent with normal USB operation. USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); USBSuspendControl = 0; USBBusIsSuspended = FALSE; //So we don't execute this code again, delay_count = 3600U; do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); //Now drive the resume K-state signalling onto the USB bus. USBResumeControl = 1; // Start RESUME signaling delay_count = 1800U; // Set RESUME line for 1-13 ms do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); USBResumeControl = 0; //Finished driving resume signalling USBUnmaskInterrupts(); } } } /******************************************************************* * Function: BOOL USER_USB_CALLBACK_EVENT_HANDLER( *******************************************************************/ BOOL USER_USB_CALLBACK_EVENT_HANDLER(USB_EVENT event, void *pdata, WORD size) { switch(event) { case EVENT_TRANSFER: break; case EVENT_SOF: USBCB_SOF_Handler(); break; case EVENT_SUSPEND: USBCBSuspend(); break; case EVENT_RESUME: USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); break; case EVENT_CONFIGURED: USBCBInitEP(); break; case EVENT_SET_DESCRIPTOR: USBCBStdSetDscHandler(); break; case EVENT_EP0_REQUEST: USBCBCheckOtherReq(); break; case EVENT_BUS_ERROR: USBCBErrorHandler(); break; case EVENT_TRANSFER_TERMINATED: break; default: break; } return TRUE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/******************************************************************** FileName: usb_descriptors.c Dependencies: See INCLUDES section Processor: PIC18 or PIC24 USB Microcontrollers Hardware: The code is natively intended to be used on the following hardware platforms: PICDEM・FS USB Demo Board, PIC18F87J50 FS USB Plug-In Module, or Explorer 16 + PIC24 USB PIM. The firmware may be modified for use on other USB platforms by editing the HardwareProfile.h file. Complier: Microchip C18 (for PIC18) or C30 (for PIC24) Company: Microchip Technology, Inc. Software License Agreement: The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the 鼎ompany・ for its PICョ Microcontroller is intended and supplied to you, the Company痴 customer, for use solely and exclusively on Microchip PIC Microcontroller products. The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN 鄭S IS・CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. ********************************************************************* -usb_descriptors.c- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Filling in the descriptor values in the usb_descriptors.c file: ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Device Descriptors] The device descriptor is defined as a USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR type. This type is defined in usb_ch9.h Each entry into this structure needs to be the correct length for the data type of the entry. [Configuration Descriptors] The configuration descriptor was changed in v2.x from a structure to a BYTE array. Given that the configuration is now a byte array each byte of multi-byte fields must be listed individually. This means that for fields like the total size of the configuration where the field is a 16-bit value "64,0," is the correct entry for a configuration that is only 64 bytes long and not "64," which is one too few bytes. The configuration attribute must always have the _DEFAULT definition at the minimum. Additional options can be ORed to the _DEFAULT attribute. Available options are _SELF and _RWU. These definitions are defined in the usb_device.h file. The _SELF tells the USB host that this device is self-powered. The _RWU tells the USB host that this device supports Remote Wakeup. [Endpoint Descriptors] Like the configuration descriptor, the endpoint descriptors were changed in v2.x of the stack from a structure to a BYTE array. As endpoint descriptors also has a field that are multi-byte entities, please be sure to specify both bytes of the field. For example, for the endpoint size an endpoint that is 64 bytes needs to have the size defined as "64,0," instead of "64," Take the following example: // Endpoint Descriptor // 0x07, //the size of this descriptor // USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor _EP02_IN, //EndpointAddress _INT, //Attributes 0x08,0x00, //size (note: 2 bytes) 0x02, //Interval The first two parameters are self-explanatory. They specify the length of this endpoint descriptor (7) and the descriptor type. The next parameter identifies the endpoint, the definitions are defined in usb_device.h and has the following naming convention: _EP<##>_<dir> where ## is the endpoint number and dir is the direction of transfer. The dir has the value of either 'OUT' or 'IN'. The next parameter identifies the type of the endpoint. Available options are _BULK, _INT, _ISO, and _CTRL. The _CTRL is not typically used because the default control transfer endpoint is not defined in the USB descriptors. When _ISO option is used, addition options can be ORed to _ISO. Example: _ISO|_AD|_FE This describes the endpoint as an isochronous pipe with adaptive and feedback attributes. See usb_device.h and the USB specification for details. The next parameter defines the size of the endpoint. The last parameter in the polling interval. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding a USB String ------------------------------------------------------------------- A string descriptor array should have the following format: rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[size];}sdxxx={ sizeof(sdxxx),DSC_STR,<text>}; The above structure provides a means for the C compiler to calculate the length of string descriptor sdxxx, where xxx is the index number. The first two bytes of the descriptor are descriptor length and type. The rest <text> are string texts which must be in the unicode format. The unicode format is achieved by declaring each character as a word type. The whole text string is declared as a word array with the number of characters equals to <size>. <size> has to be manually counted and entered into the array declaration. Let's study this through an example: if the string is "USB" , then the string descriptor should be: (Using index 02) rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[3];}sd002={ sizeof(sd002),DSC_STR,'U','S','B'}; A USB project may have multiple strings and the firmware supports the management of multiple strings through a look-up table. The look-up table is defined as: rom const unsigned char *rom USB_SD_Ptr[]={&sd000,&sd001,&sd002}; The above declaration has 3 strings, sd000, sd001, and sd002. Strings can be removed or added. sd000 is a specialized string descriptor. It defines the language code, usually this is US English (0x0409). The index of the string must match the index position of the USB_SD_Ptr array, &sd000 must be in position USB_SD_Ptr[0], &sd001 must be in position USB_SD_Ptr[1] and so on. The look-up table USB_SD_Ptr is used by the get string handler function. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The look-up table scheme also applies to the configuration descriptor. A USB device may have multiple configuration descriptors, i.e. CFG01, CFG02, etc. To add a configuration descriptor, user must implement a structure similar to CFG01. The next step is to add the configuration descriptor name, i.e. cfg01, cfg02,.., to the look-up table USB_CD_Ptr. USB_CD_Ptr[0] is a dummy place holder since configuration 0 is the un-configured state according to the definition in the USB specification. ********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * Descriptor specific type definitions are defined in: * usb_device.h * * Configuration options are defined in: * usb_config.h ********************************************************************/ #ifndef __USB_DESCRIPTORS_C #define __USB_DESCRIPTORS_C /** INCLUDES *******************************************************/ #include "usb.h" #include "usb_function_hid.h" /** CONSTANTS ******************************************************/ #if defined(__18CXX) #pragma romdata #endif /* Device Descriptor */ ROM USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR device_dsc= //デバイスデスクリプタ { 0x12, // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE, // DEVICE descriptor type 0x0200, // USB Spec Release Number in BCD format 0x00, // Class Code //HIDクラス 0x00, // Subclass code //未定義(=汎用) 0x00, // Protocol code USB_EP0_BUFF_SIZE, // Max packet size for EP0, see usb_config.h 0x04D8, // Vendor ID //ベンダーID 0x003F, // Product ID: Custom HID demo //プロダクトID 0x0002, // Device release number in BCD format 0x01, // Manufacturer string index 0x02, // Product string index 0x00, // Device serial number string index 0x01 // Number of possible configurations }; /* Configuration 1 Descriptor */ ROM BYTE configDescriptor1[]={ //コンフィグデスクリプタ /* Configuration Descriptor */ 0x09, //sizeof(USB_CFG_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, // CONFIGURATION descriptor type 0x29,0x00, // Total length of data for this cfg 1, // Number of interfaces in this cfg 1, // Index value of this configuration 0, // Configuration string index _DEFAULT | _SELF, // Attributes, see usb_device.h 50, // Max power consumption (2X mA) //最大消費電流50mA /* Interface Descriptor */ //インターフェースデスクリプタ 0x09, //sizeof(USB_INTF_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE, // INTERFACE descriptor type 0, // Interface Number 0, // Alternate Setting Number 2, // Number of endpoints in this intf //エンドポイントの数 HID_INTF, // Class code 0, // Subclass code 0, // Protocol code 0, // Interface string index /* HID Class-Specific Descriptor *///HIDクラスの仕様に係るデスクリプタ部分 0x09, //sizeof(USB_HID_DSC)+3, // Size of this descriptor in bytes DSC_HID, // HID descriptor type 0x11,0x01, // HID Spec Release Number in BCD format (1.11) 0x00, // Country Code (0x00 for Not supported) HID_NUM_OF_DSC, // Number of class descriptors, see usbcfg.h DSC_RPT, // Report descriptor type HID_RPT01_SIZE,0x00, //sizeof(hid_rpt01), // Size of the report descriptor /* Endpoint Descriptor */ // エンドポイントデスクリプタ 0x07, /*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_IN, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01, //Interval /* Endpoint Descriptor */ 0x07, /*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_OUT, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01 //Interval }; //Language code string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[1];}sd000={ sizeof(sd000),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING,{0x0409 }}; //Manufacturer string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[25];}sd001={ sizeof(sd001),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'M','i','c','r','o','c','h','i','p',' ', 'T','e','c','h','n','o','l','o','g','y',' ','I','n','c','.' }}; //Product string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[22];}sd002={ sizeof(sd002),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'S','i','m','p','l','e',' ','H','I','D',' ', 'D','e','v','i','c','e',' ','D','e','m','o' }}; //Class specific descriptor - HID ROM struct{BYTE report[HID_RPT01_SIZE];}hid_rpt01={ { 0x06, 0x00, 0xFF, // Usage Page = 0xFF00 (Vendor Defined Page 1) 0x09, 0x01, // Usage (Vendor Usage 1) 0xA1, 0x01, // Collection (Application) 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 input usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x15, 0x01, // Logical Minimum (data bytes in the report may have minimum value = 0x00) 0x25, 0x40, // Logical Maximum (data bytes in the report may have maximum value = 0x00FF = unsigned 255) 0x75, 0x08, // Report Size: 8-bit field size 0x95, 0x40, // Report Count: Make sixty-four 8-bit fields (the next time the parser hits an "Input", "Output", or "Feature" item) 0x81, 0x00, // Input (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates input packet fields based on the above report size, count, logical min/max, and usage. 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 output usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x91, 0x00, // Output (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates output packet fields. Uses same report size and count as "Input" fields, since nothing new/different was specified to the parser since the "Input" item. 0xC0} // End Collection }; //Array of configuration descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_CD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&configDescriptor1 }; //Array of string descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_SD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd000, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd001, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd002 }; /** EOF usb_descriptors.c ***************************************************/ #endif
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■ PIC18F14K50 HIDクラス スイッチの状態&電圧 読込・表示
・PIC18F14K50のキバン上のスイッチ×3個を押すと PC(Windows)上の対応するovalShape×3個の色が 灰色→オレンジ色に変わること
・USB通信ONのボタンボタンスイッチをフォーム上にもうけること。 またUSB通信が確立したら”接続完了!”の文字をテキストボックスに表示のこと
★ PCのソフト(VC++)は こちらを参照願います
<プログラム例> // //USB HIDクラス #include "usb.h" #include "HardwareProfile.h" #include "usb_function_hid.h" /** コンフィギュレーション ***********************/ #pragma config CPUDIV = NOCLKDIV ,USBDIV = OFF, PCLKEN = ON #pragma config FOSC = HS, PLLEN = ON, HFOFST = OFF #pragma config PWRTEN = ON, BOREN = OFF, MCLRE = OFF, BORV = 30 #pragma config WDTEN = OFF, LVP = OFF, FCMEN = OFF, IESO = OFF #pragma config CP0 = OFF, XINST = OFF /******** USB関連バッファ、変数定義 ****/ #pragma udata usbram2 unsigned char ReceivedDataBuffer[64]; unsigned char SendBuf[64]; #pragma udata USB_HANDLE USBOutHandle = 0; USB_HANDLE USBInHandle = 0; BOOL blinkStatusValid = TRUE; /**** グローバル変数定義 ***/ BYTE counter; BOOL blinkStatusValid; /*** コマンド定数定義 ***/ typedef enum { CHECK = 0x30, POUT = 0x31, PIN = 0x32, AIN = 0x33, RESET = 0xFF }TYPE_CMD; void BlinkUSBStatus(void); void ProcessIO(void); void YourHighPriorityISRCode(); void YourLowPriorityISRCode(); void USBCBSendResume(void); //割り込みベクタ定義 #pragma code REMAPPED_HIGH_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x08 void Remapped_High_ISR (void) { _asm goto YourHighPriorityISRCode _endasm } #pragma code REMAPPED_LOW_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x18 void Remapped_Low_ISR (void) { _asm goto YourLowPriorityISRCode _endasm } //割り込み処理関数 #pragma code #pragma interrupt YourHighPriorityISRCode void YourHighPriorityISRCode() { USBDeviceTasks(); } #pragma interruptlow YourLowPriorityISRCode void YourLowPriorityISRCode() { } #pragma code void main(void) { ANSEL = 0x00; // デジタルに設定 ANSELH =0x07; // AN8,9,10のみアナログ TRISA = 0xFF; // RA0-5入力 TRISB = 0x7F; // RB7(TX)以外すべて入力 LATC = 0; // 出力初期化 TRISC = 0xF0; // RC6,7アナログ入力、RC0-3出力 // ADC初期化 ADCON0 = 0; // 停止 ADCON1 = 0; // VDD-Vss ADCON2 = 0xBE; // 右詰め,20Tad,Fosc/64 //USB関連 USBDeviceInit(); // USB初期化 USBInHandle = 0; USBOutHandle = 0; blinkStatusValid = TRUE; // USB目印LED有効化 USBDeviceAttach(); // USB割り込み有効化 while(1) { //USB接続中なら送受信実行 if((USBDeviceState >= CONFIGURED_STATE)&&(USBSuspendControl!=1)) ProcessIO(); // コマンド実行 } } //ユーザーアプリの入出力処理関数 void ProcessIO(void) { //データ受信処理 if(!HIDRxHandleBusy(USBOutHandle)) { blinkStatusValid = FALSE; SendBuf[0] = ReceivedDataBuffer[0]; SendBuf[1] = ReceivedDataBuffer[1]; switch(ReceivedDataBuffer[0]) // コマンドコードチェック { //接続確認応答 case CHECK: SendBuf[2] = 'O'; SendBuf[3] = 'K'; if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); break; //入力ピン状態要求と応答の場合 case PIN : if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x31){ if(sw1) SendBuf[2] = 0x31; else SendBuf[2] = 0x30; } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x32){ if(sw2) SendBuf[2] = 0x31; else SendBuf[2] = 0x30; } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x33){ if(sw3) SendBuf[2] = 0x31; else SendBuf[2] = 0x30; } if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); break; /***** アナログ入力要求と応答 *****/ case AIN: /* チャネル選択後A/D変換 AN8,AN9, An10 */ ADCON0 = ((ReceivedDataBuffer[1]-0x31+8) << 2) + 0x01; ADCON0bits.GO = 1; // A/D変換開始 while(ADCON0bits.NOT_DONE); // 変換完了待ち SendBuf[2] = ADRESL; // 送信バッファにセット SendBuf[3] = ADRESH; if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); break; default: break; } // 次の受信実行 USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer,64); } } /****************************************************************** ************** USB Callback Functions ***************************** *******************************************************************/ /****************************************************************** * Function: void USBCBSuspend(void) ******************************************************************/ void USBCBSuspend(void) { } /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBWakeFromSuspend(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBWakeFromSuspend(void) { } /******************************************************************** * Function: void USBCB_SOF_Handler(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCB_SOF_Handler(void) { } /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBErrorHandler(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBErrorHandler(void) { } /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void) { USBCheckHIDRequest(); }//end /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBStdSetDscHandler(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBStdSetDscHandler(void) { }//end /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBInitEP(void) *******************************************************************/ void USBCBInitEP(void) { //enable the HID endpoint USBEnableEndpoint(HID_EP,USB_IN_ENABLED|USB_OUT_ENABLED|USB_HANDSHAKE_ENABLED|USB_DISALLOW_SETUP); //Re-arm the OUT endpoint for the next packet USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer,64); } /******************************************************************* * Function: void USBCBSendResume(void) ******************************************************************/ void USBCBSendResume(void) { static WORD delay_count; if(USBGetRemoteWakeupStatus() == TRUE) { //Verify that the USB bus is in fact suspended, before we send //remote wakeup signalling. if(USBIsBusSuspended() == TRUE) { USBMaskInterrupts(); //Clock switch to settings consistent with normal USB operation. USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); USBSuspendControl = 0; USBBusIsSuspended = FALSE; //So we don't execute this code again, delay_count = 3600U; do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); //Now drive the resume K-state signalling onto the USB bus. USBResumeControl = 1; // Start RESUME signaling delay_count = 1800U; // Set RESUME line for 1-13 ms do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); USBResumeControl = 0; //Finished driving resume signalling USBUnmaskInterrupts(); } } } /******************************************************************* * Function: BOOL USER_USB_CALLBACK_EVENT_HANDLER( *******************************************************************/ BOOL USER_USB_CALLBACK_EVENT_HANDLER(USB_EVENT event, void *pdata, WORD size) { switch(event) { case EVENT_TRANSFER: break; case EVENT_SOF: USBCB_SOF_Handler(); break; case EVENT_SUSPEND: USBCBSuspend(); break; case EVENT_RESUME: USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); break; case EVENT_CONFIGURED: USBCBInitEP(); break; case EVENT_SET_DESCRIPTOR: USBCBStdSetDscHandler(); break; case EVENT_EP0_REQUEST: USBCBCheckOtherReq(); break; case EVENT_BUS_ERROR: USBCBErrorHandler(); break; case EVENT_TRANSFER_TERMINATED: break; default: break; } return TRUE; } //---------------------------------------------------- /******************************************************************** FileName: usb_descriptors.c Dependencies: See INCLUDES section Processor: PIC18 or PIC24 USB Microcontrollers Hardware: The code is natively intended to be used on the following hardware platforms: PICDEM・FS USB Demo Board, PIC18F87J50 FS USB Plug-In Module, or Explorer 16 + PIC24 USB PIM. The firmware may be modified for use on other USB platforms by editing the HardwareProfile.h file. Complier: Microchip C18 (for PIC18) or C30 (for PIC24) Company: Microchip Technology, Inc. Software License Agreement: The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the 鼎ompany・ for its PICョ Microcontroller is intended and supplied to you, the Company痴 customer, for use solely and exclusively on Microchip PIC Microcontroller products. The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN 鄭S IS・CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. ********************************************************************* -usb_descriptors.c- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Filling in the descriptor values in the usb_descriptors.c file: ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Device Descriptors] The device descriptor is defined as a USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR type. This type is defined in usb_ch9.h Each entry into this structure needs to be the correct length for the data type of the entry. [Configuration Descriptors] The configuration descriptor was changed in v2.x from a structure to a BYTE array. Given that the configuration is now a byte array each byte of multi-byte fields must be listed individually. This means that for fields like the total size of the configuration where the field is a 16-bit value "64,0," is the correct entry for a configuration that is only 64 bytes long and not "64," which is one too few bytes. The configuration attribute must always have the _DEFAULT definition at the minimum. Additional options can be ORed to the _DEFAULT attribute. Available options are _SELF and _RWU. These definitions are defined in the usb_device.h file. The _SELF tells the USB host that this device is self-powered. The _RWU tells the USB host that this device supports Remote Wakeup. [Endpoint Descriptors] Like the configuration descriptor, the endpoint descriptors were changed in v2.x of the stack from a structure to a BYTE array. As endpoint descriptors also has a field that are multi-byte entities, please be sure to specify both bytes of the field. For example, for the endpoint size an endpoint that is 64 bytes needs to have the size defined as "64,0," instead of "64," Take the following example: // Endpoint Descriptor // 0x07, //the size of this descriptor // USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor _EP02_IN, //EndpointAddress _INT, //Attributes 0x08,0x00, //size (note: 2 bytes) 0x02, //Interval The first two parameters are self-explanatory. They specify the length of this endpoint descriptor (7) and the descriptor type. The next parameter identifies the endpoint, the definitions are defined in usb_device.h and has the following naming convention: _EP<##>_<dir> where ## is the endpoint number and dir is the direction of transfer. The dir has the value of either 'OUT' or 'IN'. The next parameter identifies the type of the endpoint. Available options are _BULK, _INT, _ISO, and _CTRL. The _CTRL is not typically used because the default control transfer endpoint is not defined in the USB descriptors. When _ISO option is used, addition options can be ORed to _ISO. Example: _ISO|_AD|_FE This describes the endpoint as an isochronous pipe with adaptive and feedback attributes. See usb_device.h and the USB specification for details. The next parameter defines the size of the endpoint. The last parameter in the polling interval. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding a USB String ------------------------------------------------------------------- A string descriptor array should have the following format: rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[size];}sdxxx={ sizeof(sdxxx),DSC_STR,<text>}; The above structure provides a means for the C compiler to calculate the length of string descriptor sdxxx, where xxx is the index number. The first two bytes of the descriptor are descriptor length and type. The rest <text> are string texts which must be in the unicode format. The unicode format is achieved by declaring each character as a word type. The whole text string is declared as a word array with the number of characters equals to <size>. <size> has to be manually counted and entered into the array declaration. Let's study this through an example: if the string is "USB" , then the string descriptor should be: (Using index 02) rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[3];}sd002={ sizeof(sd002),DSC_STR,'U','S','B'}; A USB project may have multiple strings and the firmware supports the management of multiple strings through a look-up table. The look-up table is defined as: rom const unsigned char *rom USB_SD_Ptr[]={&sd000,&sd001,&sd002}; The above declaration has 3 strings, sd000, sd001, and sd002. Strings can be removed or added. sd000 is a specialized string descriptor. It defines the language code, usually this is US English (0x0409). The index of the string must match the index position of the USB_SD_Ptr array, &sd000 must be in position USB_SD_Ptr[0], &sd001 must be in position USB_SD_Ptr[1] and so on. The look-up table USB_SD_Ptr is used by the get string handler function. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The look-up table scheme also applies to the configuration descriptor. A USB device may have multiple configuration descriptors, i.e. CFG01, CFG02, etc. To add a configuration descriptor, user must implement a structure similar to CFG01. The next step is to add the configuration descriptor name, i.e. cfg01, cfg02,.., to the look-up table USB_CD_Ptr. USB_CD_Ptr[0] is a dummy place holder since configuration 0 is the un-configured state according to the definition in the USB specification. ********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * Descriptor specific type definitions are defined in: * usb_device.h * * Configuration options are defined in: * usb_config.h ********************************************************************/ #ifndef __USB_DESCRIPTORS_C #define __USB_DESCRIPTORS_C /** INCLUDES *******************************************************/ #include "usb.h" #include "usb_function_hid.h" /** CONSTANTS ******************************************************/ #if defined(__18CXX) #pragma romdata #endif /* Device Descriptor */ ROM USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR device_dsc= { 0x12, // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE, // DEVICE descriptor type 0x0200, // USB Spec Release Number in BCD format 0x00, // Class Code 0x00, // Subclass code 0x00, // Protocol code USB_EP0_BUFF_SIZE, // Max packet size for EP0, see usb_config.h 0x04D8, // Vendor ID 0x003F, // Product ID: Custom HID demo 0x0002, // Device release number in BCD format 0x01, // Manufacturer string index 0x02, // Product string index 0x00, // Device serial number string index 0x01 // Number of possible configurations }; /* Configuration 1 Descriptor */ ROM BYTE configDescriptor1[]={ /* Configuration Descriptor */ 0x09, //sizeof(USB_CFG_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, // CONFIGURATION descriptor type 0x29,0x00, // Total length of data for this cfg 1, // Number of interfaces in this cfg 1, // Index value of this configuration 0, // Configuration string index _DEFAULT | _SELF, // Attributes, see usb_device.h 50, // Max power consumption (2X mA) /* Interface Descriptor */ 0x09, //sizeof(USB_INTF_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE, // INTERFACE descriptor type 0, // Interface Number 0, // Alternate Setting Number 2, // Number of endpoints in this intf HID_INTF, // Class code 0, // Subclass code 0, // Protocol code 0, // Interface string index /* HID Class-Specific Descriptor */ 0x09, //sizeof(USB_HID_DSC)+3, // Size of this descriptor in bytes DSC_HID, // HID descriptor type 0x11,0x01, // HID Spec Release Number in BCD format (1.11) 0x00, // Country Code (0x00 for Not supported) HID_NUM_OF_DSC, // Number of class descriptors, see usbcfg.h DSC_RPT, // Report descriptor type HID_RPT01_SIZE,0x00, //sizeof(hid_rpt01), // Size of the report descriptor /* Endpoint Descriptor */ 0x07, /*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_IN, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01, //Interval /* Endpoint Descriptor */ 0x07, /*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_OUT, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01 //Interval }; //Language code string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[1];}sd000={ sizeof(sd000),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING,{0x0409 }}; //Manufacturer string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[25];}sd001={ sizeof(sd001),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'M','i','c','r','o','c','h','i','p',' ', 'T','e','c','h','n','o','l','o','g','y',' ','I','n','c','.' }}; //Product string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[22];}sd002={ sizeof(sd002),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'S','i','m','p','l','e',' ','H','I','D',' ', 'D','e','v','i','c','e',' ','D','e','m','o' }}; //Class specific descriptor - HID ROM struct{BYTE report[HID_RPT01_SIZE];}hid_rpt01={ { 0x06, 0x00, 0xFF, // Usage Page = 0xFF00 (Vendor Defined Page 1) 0x09, 0x01, // Usage (Vendor Usage 1) 0xA1, 0x01, // Collection (Application) 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 input usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x15, 0x01, // Logical Minimum (data bytes in the report may have minimum value = 0x00) 0x25, 0x40, // Logical Maximum (data bytes in the report may have maximum value = 0x00FF = unsigned 255) 0x75, 0x08, // Report Size: 8-bit field size 0x95, 0x40, // Report Count: Make sixty-four 8-bit fields (the next time the parser hits an "Input", "Output", or "Feature" item) 0x81, 0x00, // Input (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates input packet fields based on the above report size, count, logical min/max, and usage. 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 output usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x91, 0x00, // Output (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates output packet fields. Uses same report size and count as "Input" fields, since nothing new/different was specified to the parser since the "Input" item. 0xC0} // End Collection }; //Array of configuration descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_CD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&configDescriptor1 }; //Array of string descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_SD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd000, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd001, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd002 }; /** EOF usb_descriptors.c ***************************************************/ #endif
・接続ボタンをクリックしてUSB接続をした後に スイッチボタンSW1とSW3を押した時のPCのフォーム画面です。
・PIC18F14K50のキバン上のスイッチ×3個を押すと PC(Windows)上の対応するovalShape×3個の色が 灰色→オレンジ色に変わること
・USB通信ONのボタンボタンスイッチをフォーム上にもうけること。 またUSB通信が確立したら”接続完了!”の文字をテキストボックスに表示のこと
■ PIC32MX795F512L HIDクラス LED点灯/消灯、ADコンバータ読込・表示
・PC(Windows)上のボタンスイッチ×4個をクリックすると PIC32MX795F512Lのキバン上の対応するLEDがON/OFFすること
・USB通信ONのボタンボタンスイッチをフォーム上にもうけること。 またUSB通信が確立したら”接続完了!”の文字をテキストボックスに表示のこと
・PIC32MX795F512Lのキバン上のスイッチ×3個を押すと PC(Windows)上の対応するovalShape×3個の色が 灰色→オレンジ色に変わること
・USB通信ONのボタンボタンスイッチをフォーム上にもうけること。 またUSB通信が確立したら”接続完了!”の文字をテキストボックスに表示のこと
★ PC側のソフト(Windows)は こちらを参照願います
<プログラム例> //main.c //32MX795 #include "./USB/usb.h" #include "HardwareProfile.h" #include "./USB/usb_function_hid.h" //システムクロック80MHz ペリフェラルクロック80MHz #pragma config UPLLEN = ON // USB PLL Enabled #pragma config FPLLMUL = MUL_20 // PLL Multiplier #pragma config UPLLIDIV = DIV_2 // USB PLL Input Divider #pragma config FPLLIDIV = DIV_2 // PLL Input Divider #pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1 // PLL Output Divider #pragma config FPBDIV = DIV_1 // Peripheral Clock divisor #pragma config FWDTEN = OFF // Watchdog Timer #pragma config WDTPS = PS1 // Watchdog Timer Postscale #pragma config FCKSM = CSDCMD // Clock Switching & Fail Safe Clock Monitor #pragma config OSCIOFNC = OFF // CLKO Enable #pragma config POSCMOD = HS // Primary Oscillator #pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal/External Switch-over #pragma config FSOSCEN = OFF // Secondary Oscillator Enable (KLO was off) #pragma config FNOSC = PRIPLL // Oscillator Selection #pragma config CP = OFF // Code Protect #pragma config BWP = OFF // Boot Flash Write Protect #pragma config PWP = OFF // Program Flash Write Protect #pragma config ICESEL = ICS_PGx2 // ICE/ICD Comm Channel Select #define RX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS #define TX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS unsigned char ReceivedDataBuffer[64] RX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS; unsigned char ToSendDataBuffer[64] TX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS; unsigned char SendBuf[64]; USB_HANDLE USBOutHandle = 0; //USB handle. Must be initialized to 0 at startup. USB_HANDLE USBInHandle = 0; //USB handle. Must be initialized to 0 at startup. BOOL blinkStatusValid = TRUE; void BlinkUSBStatus(void); void ProcessIO(void); void YourHighPriorityISRCode(); void YourLowPriorityISRCode(); void USBCBSendResume(void); WORD_VAL ReadPOT(void); unsigned int AdcValue; int main(void) { SYSTEMConfigPerformance(80000000); //システム最適化 DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0; //JTAG無効化 AD1PCFG = 0xFFFF; //全RBポートデジタルピンとして使用 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG9 = 0; //AN9:アナログ TRISBbits.TRISB9 = 1; TRISAbits.TRISA2 = 0; TRISAbits.TRISA3 = 0; TRISAbits.TRISA4 = 0; TRISAbits.TRISA5 = 0; LATAbits.LATA2 = 0; LATAbits.LATA3 = 0; LATAbits.LATA4 = 0; LATAbits.LATA5 = 0; TRISDbits.TRISD6=1; TRISDbits.TRISD7=1; TRISDbits.TRISD13=1; //AD1CON1レジスタの設定 AD1CON1bits.ON = 1; //A/Dコンバータモジュール有効 // AD1CON1bits.FRZ = 0; //デバッグモードに於いても動作継続 AD1CON1bits.SIDL = 0; //アイドルモード中もモジュール動作継続 AD1CON1bits.FORM2 = 0; //AD1CON1bits.FORM2-AD1CON1bits.FORM0のセットで出力データ形式指定 → 000:16ビット符号なし整数形式 AD1CON1bits.FORM1 = 0; //011:符号付固定16ビット小数 010:固定小数16ビット 001:符号付き整数16ビット 000:16ビット符号なし整数 AD1CON1bits.FORM0 = 0; //111:符号付32ビット固定小数 110:32ビット固定小数 101:符号付32ビット整数 100=32ビット符号なし整数 //★ Michrochip データシートDS61104 では000、100がIntegerとなっているがUnsigned Integerの誤植である。 AD1CON1bits.SSRC2 = 1; //AD1CON1bits.SSRC2-AD1CON1bits.SSRC0 のセットでトリガーソースを指定 AD1CON1bits.SSRC1 = 1; //111: 内蔵カウンタでサンプリングを終了させ変換を開始する AD1CON1bits.SSRC0 = 1; //(参考)000: SAMPビットでサンプリングを終了し変換を開始する AD1CON1bits.CLRASAM = 0;//AD変換割り込み時の変換停止 0:次の変換値でオーバーライト AD1CON1bits.ASAM = 0; //SAMPビットのセットでサンプリングを開始する。(参考)1: 自動開始(前の変換終了後すぐサンプリングを開始する) AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0; //サンプリング停止 //AD1CON2レジスタの設定 AD1CON2bits.VCFG2 = 0; //リファレンス選択//AD1CON2bits.VCFG2 - AD1CON2bits.VCFG0(VCFG<2:0>)の3ビットでセット AD1CON2bits.VCFG1 = 0; //★000:リファレンス電圧 → Vdd -Vss AD1CON2bits.VCFG0 = 0; //(参考)001:リファレンス電圧 → 外部入力 - Vss 他 AD1CON2bits.OFFCAL = 0; //較正モード設定 0:サンプルホールドアンプSHAの入力はAD1CHSレジスタとAD1CSSLレジスタで制御される AD1CON2bits.CSCNA = 1; //★マルチプレクサMUXAでのスキャン: する AD1CON2bits.SMPI3 = 0; //割り込みタイミング AD1CON2bits.SMPI3 - AD1CON2bits.SMPI0(SMPI<3:0>)の4ビットでセット AD1CON2bits.SMPI2 = 0; //0000: AD変換完了毎の割り込み発生(割り込み有効の場合) AD1CON2bits.SMPI1 = 0; //(参考)0011: 4サンプルのAD変換終了後 割り込み発生(割り込み有効の場合) AD1CON2bits.SMPI0 = 0; // AD1CON2bits.BUFM = 0; //バッファーを1個の16ワードバッファとする。 (参考)1: 2組の8ワードバッファーとする AD1CON2bits.ALTS = 0; //常にMUXAを入力マルチプレクサにする (参考)1: MUXA,MUXBを交互につかう //AD1CON3レジスタの設定 AD1CON3bits.ADRC = 0; //AD変換クロック源選択//0: PBCLK(Peripheral Bus Clock) (参考)1: A/D内臓RCクロック AD1CON3bits.SAMC4 = 1; //AD1CON3bits.SAMC4 - AD1CON3bits.SAMC0(SAMC<4:0>)の5ビットでセット AD1CON3bits.SAMC3 = 1; //アクイジションタイム(Tad(クロック周期)×N)設定(ホールドキャパシタ充電所要時間) AD1CON3bits.SAMC2 = 1; //1111: 31Tad AD1CON3bits.SAMC1 = 1; //(参考)0001: 1Tad 0010: 2Tad 0011: 3Tad ・・・・ AD1CON3bits.SAMC0 = 1; // AD1CON3bits.ADCS7 = 0; //AD変換時間の設定/AD1CON3bits.ADCS7 - AD1CON3bits.ADCS0(ADCS<7:0>)の8ビットでセット //AD変換完了フラグAD1CON1bits.DONEにより、AD変換完了を検知する場合は設定不要 AD1CON3bits.ADCS6 = 0; //AD変換完了までののクロック数選択ビット AD1CON3bits.ADCS5 = 0; //0000 0101: 1Tad = 6Tpb (Tpb: PBCLKの周期) AD1CON3bits.ADCS4 = 0; //(参考) 0000 0000: 1Tad = 2Tpb AD1CON3bits.ADCS3 = 0; // 0000 0001: 1Tad = 3Tpb AD1CON3bits.ADCS2 = 1; // 0000 0010: 1Tad = 4Tpb AD1CON3bits.ADCS1 = 0; // ・・・・ AD1CON3bits.ADCS0 = 1; // 1111 1111: 1Tad = 512Tpb //AD1CHSレジスタの設定 //SHAの+端子とー端子への接続(ポート)設定 //マルチプレクサ:MUXB側 AD1CHSbits.CH0NB = 0; //負側入力選択ビット: 0:VR- 、1:AN1 AD1CHSbits.CH0SB3 = 0; //正側入力選択ビット//0000:AN0, 0001:AN1, 0011:AN2 .... 1111: AN15 AD1CHSbits.CH0SB2 = 0; //★MUXAだけを使うので、CH0SB0-CH0SB3は出力に無関係 AD1CHSbits.CH0SB1 = 0; // AD1CHSbits.CH0SB0 = 0; // //マルチプレクサ:MUXA側 AD1CHSbits.CH0NA = 0; //負側入力選択ビット: 0:VR- 、1:AN1 // AD1CHSbits.CH0SA3 = 0; //正側入力選択ビット//0000:AN0, 0001:AN1, 0010:AN2 .... 1111: AN15 // AD1CHSbits.CH0SA2 = 1; //0100マルチプレクサMUXAの正側入力: AN4 // AD1CHSbits.CH0SA1 = 0; // // AD1CHSbits.CH0SA0 = 0; // AD1CHSbits.CH0SA = 9; //AN9 //AD1PCFGレジスタの設定 //アナログ入力orデジタル入力選択 //1:デジタル、 0:アナログ // ★デバイスリセットでは全ビット0となるためデフォルトではアナログ入力となるのでデジタルで使う多重ピンは、コンフィグレーションでデジタル設定が必要!! AD1PCFGbits.PCFG15 = 1;//RB15/AN15 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG14 = 1;//RB14/AN14 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG13 = 1;//RB13/AN13 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG12 = 1;//RB12/AN12 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG11 = 1;//RB11/AN11 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG10 = 1;//RB10/AN10 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG9 = 0;//RB9/AN9 //アナログ AD1PCFGbits.PCFG8 = 1;//RB8/AN8 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG7 = 1;//RB7/AN7 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG6 = 1;//RB6/AN6 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG5 = 1;//RB5/AN5 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG4 = 1;//RB4/AN4 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG3 = 1;//RB3/AN3 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG2 = 1;//RB2/AN2 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG1 = 1;//RB1/AN1 AD1PCFGbits.PCFG0 = 1;//RB0/AN0 // AD1CSSLレジスタの設定 //読み込むチャンネル(入力端子)をセットする//0:スキャンしない 1:スキャンする AD1CSSLbits.CSSL15 = 0; //AN15 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL14 = 0; //AN14 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL13 = 0; //AN13 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL12 = 0; //AN12 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL11 = 0; //AN11 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL10 = 0; //AN10 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL9 = 1; //AN9 //スキャンする AD1CSSLbits.CSSL8 = 0; //AN8 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL7 = 0; //AN7 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL6 = 0; //AN6 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL5 = 0; //AN5 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL4 = 0; //AN4 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL3 = 0; //AN3 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL2 = 0; //AN2 AD1CSSLbits.CSSL0 = 0; //AN0 //USB関係 USBDeviceInit(); USBOutHandle = 0; USBInHandle = 0; blinkStatusValid = TRUE; USBDeviceAttach(); while(1) { // USB接続中なら送受信実行 if((USBDeviceState >= CONFIGURED_STATE)&&(USBSuspendControl!=1))ProcessIO(); } } void ProcessIO(void) { if(!HIDRxHandleBusy(USBOutHandle)) { switch(ReceivedDataBuffer[0]) //コマンドの種類判定 { //接続確認応答 case 0x30: // SendBuf[2] = 'O'; SendBuf[3] = 'K'; if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; case 0x80: //LED 点灯/消灯制御 switch(ReceivedDataBuffer[1]) { case 0x30: //RA2 if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x30) { LATAbits.LATA2 = 0; //消灯 SendBuf[2] = 0x30; } else { LATAbits.LATA2 = 1; //点灯 SendBuf[2] = 0x31; } if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; case 0x31: //RA3 if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x30) { LATAbits.LATA3 = 0; SendBuf[3] = 0x30; } else { LATAbits.LATA3 = 1; SendBuf[3] = 0x31; } if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; case 0x32: //RA4 if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x30) { LATAbits.LATA4 = 0; SendBuf[4] = 0x30; } else { LATAbits.LATA4 = 1; SendBuf[4] = 0x31; } if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; case 0x33: //RA5 if(ReceivedDataBuffer[2] == 0x30) { LATAbits.LATA5 = 0; SendBuf[5] = 0x30; } else { LATAbits.LATA5 = 1; SendBuf[5] = 0x31; } if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; default : break; } case 0x81: //スイッチの状態検出 if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x31){ if(PORTDbits.RD13 == 0) SendBuf[2] = 0x30; else SendBuf[2] = 0x31; } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x32){ if(PORTDbits.RD6 == 0) SendBuf[2] = 0x30; else SendBuf[2] = 0x31; } else if(ReceivedDataBuffer[1] == 0x33){ if(PORTDbits.RD7 == 0) SendBuf[2] = 0x30; else SendBuf[2] = 0x31; } if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; case 0x82: //VR電圧検出 AD1CON1bits.SAMP =1; //サンプリング開始 while(!AD1CON1bits.DONE); //AD変換終了フラグがたつ(1になるまで)待つ AdcValue = ADC1BUF0; //ADC1のバッファーからAD変換結果を読込む//★ADC1BUF1ではない ToSendDataBuffer[2] = AdcValue; //下位8ビット at 10ビット ToSendDataBuffer[3] = AdcValue >> 8; //上位2ビット at 10ビット USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&ToSendDataBuffer[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; } //次の受信実行 USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP, (BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer, 64); } } // ****************************************************************************************************** // ************** USB Callback Functions **************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************************************** void USBCBSuspend(void) { } void USBCBWakeFromSuspend(void) { } void USBCB_SOF_Handler(void) { } void USBCBErrorHandler(void) { } void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void) { USBCheckHIDRequest(); } void USBCBStdSetDscHandler(void) { } void USBCBInitEP(void) { //enable the HID endpoint USBEnableEndpoint(HID_EP,USB_IN_ENABLED|USB_OUT_ENABLED|USB_HANDSHAKE_ENABLED|USB_DISALLOW_SETUP); //Re-arm the OUT endpoint for the next packet USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer,64); } void USBCBSendResume(void) { static WORD delay_count; if(USBGetRemoteWakeupStatus() == TRUE) { if(USBIsBusSuspended() == TRUE) { USBMaskInterrupts(); //Clock switch to settings consistent with normal USB operation. USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); USBSuspendControl = 0; USBBusIsSuspended = FALSE; //So we don't execute this code again, //until a new suspend condition is detected. delay_count = 3600U; do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); //Now drive the resume K-state signalling onto the USB bus. USBResumeControl = 1; // Start RESUME signaling delay_count = 1800U; // Set RESUME line for 1-13 ms do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); USBResumeControl = 0; //Finished driving resume signalling USBUnmaskInterrupts(); } } } BOOL USER_USB_CALLBACK_EVENT_HANDLER(int event, void *pdata, WORD size) { switch(event) { case EVENT_TRANSFER: //Add application specific callback task or callback function here if desired. break; case EVENT_SOF: USBCB_SOF_Handler(); break; case EVENT_SUSPEND: USBCBSuspend(); break; case EVENT_RESUME: USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); break; case EVENT_CONFIGURED: USBCBInitEP(); break; case EVENT_SET_DESCRIPTOR: USBCBStdSetDscHandler(); break; case EVENT_EP0_REQUEST: USBCBCheckOtherReq(); break; case EVENT_BUS_ERROR: USBCBErrorHandler(); break; case EVENT_TRANSFER_TERMINATED: break; default: break; } return TRUE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /******************************************************************** FileName: usb_descriptors.c Dependencies: See INCLUDES section Processor: PIC18 or PIC24 USB Microcontrollers Hardware: The code is natively intended to be used on the following hardware platforms: PICDEM?FS USB Demo Board, PIC18F87J50 FS USB Plug-In Module, or Explorer 16 + PIC24 USB PIM. The firmware may be modified for use on other USB platforms by editing the HardwareProfile.h file. Complier: Microchip C18 (for PIC18) or C30 (for PIC24) Company: Microchip Technology, Inc. Software License Agreement: The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the 鼎ompany? for its PICョ Microcontroller is intended and supplied to you, the Company痴 customer, for use solely and exclusively on Microchip PIC Microcontroller products. The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN 鄭S IS?CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. ********************************************************************* -usb_descriptors.c- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Filling in the descriptor values in the usb_descriptors.c file: ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Device Descriptors] The device descriptor is defined as a USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR type. This type is defined in usb_ch9.h Each entry into this structure needs to be the correct length for the data type of the entry. [Configuration Descriptors] The configuration descriptor was changed in v2.x from a structure to a BYTE array. Given that the configuration is now a byte array each byte of multi-byte fields must be listed individually. This means that for fields like the total size of the configuration where the field is a 16-bit value "64,0," is the correct entry for a configuration that is only 64 bytes long and not "64," which is one too few bytes. The configuration attribute must always have the _DEFAULT definition at the minimum. Additional options can be ORed to the _DEFAULT attribute. Available options are _SELF and _RWU. These definitions are defined in the usb_device.h file. The _SELF tells the USB host that this device is self-powered. The _RWU tells the USB host that this device supports Remote Wakeup. [Endpoint Descriptors] Like the configuration descriptor, the endpoint descriptors were changed in v2.x of the stack from a structure to a BYTE array. As endpoint descriptors also has a field that are multi-byte entities, please be sure to specify both bytes of the field. For example, for the endpoint size an endpoint that is 64 bytes needs to have the size defined as "64,0," instead of "64," Take the following example: // Endpoint Descriptor // 0x07, //the size of this descriptor // USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor _EP02_IN, //EndpointAddress _INT, //Attributes 0x08,0x00, //size (note: 2 bytes) 0x02, //Interval The first two parameters are self-explanatory. They specify the length of this endpoint descriptor (7) and the descriptor type. The next parameter identifies the endpoint, the definitions are defined in usb_device.h and has the following naming convention: _EP<##>_<dir> where ## is the endpoint number and dir is the direction of transfer. The dir has the value of either 'OUT' or 'IN'. The next parameter identifies the type of the endpoint. Available options are _BULK, _INT, _ISO, and _CTRL. The _CTRL is not typically used because the default control transfer endpoint is not defined in the USB descriptors. When _ISO option is used, addition options can be ORed to _ISO. Example: _ISO|_AD|_FE This describes the endpoint as an isochronous pipe with adaptive and feedback attributes. See usb_device.h and the USB specification for details. The next parameter defines the size of the endpoint. The last parameter in the polling interval. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding a USB String ------------------------------------------------------------------- A string descriptor array should have the following format: rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[size];}sdxxx={ sizeof(sdxxx),DSC_STR,<text>}; The above structure provides a means for the C compiler to calculate the length of string descriptor sdxxx, where xxx is the index number. The first two bytes of the descriptor are descriptor length and type. The rest <text> are string texts which must be in the unicode format. The unicode format is achieved by declaring each character as a word type. The whole text string is declared as a word array with the number of characters equals to <size>. <size> has to be manually counted and entered into the array declaration. Let's study this through an example: if the string is "USB" , then the string descriptor should be: (Using index 02) rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[3];}sd002={ sizeof(sd002),DSC_STR,'U','S','B'}; A USB project may have multiple strings and the firmware supports the management of multiple strings through a look-up table. The look-up table is defined as: rom const unsigned char *rom USB_SD_Ptr[]={&sd000,&sd001,&sd002}; The above declaration has 3 strings, sd000, sd001, and sd002. Strings can be removed or added. sd000 is a specialized string descriptor. It defines the language code, usually this is US English (0x0409). The index of the string must match the index position of the USB_SD_Ptr array, &sd000 must be in position USB_SD_Ptr[0], &sd001 must be in position USB_SD_Ptr[1] and so on. The look-up table USB_SD_Ptr is used by the get string handler function. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The look-up table scheme also applies to the configuration descriptor. A USB device may have multiple configuration descriptors, i.e. CFG01, CFG02, etc. To add a configuration descriptor, user must implement a structure similar to CFG01. The next step is to add the configuration descriptor name, i.e. cfg01, cfg02,.., to the look-up table USB_CD_Ptr. USB_CD_Ptr[0] is a dummy place holder since configuration 0 is the un-configured state according to the definition in the USB specification. ********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * Descriptor specific type definitions are defined in: * usb_device.h * * Configuration options are defined in: * usb_config.h ********************************************************************/ #ifndef __USB_DESCRIPTORS_C #define __USB_DESCRIPTORS_C /** INCLUDES *******************************************************/ #include "./USB/usb.h" #include "./USB/usb_function_hid.h" /** CONSTANTS ******************************************************/ #if defined(__18CXX) #pragma romdata #endif /* Device Descriptor */ ROM USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR device_dsc= { 0x12, // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE, // DEVICE descriptor type 0x0200, // USB Spec Release Number in BCD format 0x00, // Class Code 0x00, // Subclass code 0x00, // Protocol code USB_EP0_BUFF_SIZE, // Max packet size for EP0, see usb_config.h 0x04D8, // Vendor ID 0x003F, // Product ID: Custom HID device demo 0x0002, // Device release number in BCD format 0x01, // Manufacturer string index 0x02, // Product string index 0x00, // Device serial number string index 0x01 // Number of possible configurations }; /* Configuration 1 Descriptor */ ROM BYTE configDescriptor1[]={ /* Configuration Descriptor */ 0x09,//sizeof(USB_CFG_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, // CONFIGURATION descriptor type 0x29,0x00, // Total length of data for this cfg 1, // Number of interfaces in this cfg 1, // Index value of this configuration 0, // Configuration string index _DEFAULT | _SELF, // Attributes, see usb_device.h 50, // Max power consumption (2X mA) /* Interface Descriptor */ 0x09,//sizeof(USB_INTF_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE, // INTERFACE descriptor type 0, // Interface Number 0, // Alternate Setting Number 2, // Number of endpoints in this intf HID_INTF, // Class code 0, // Subclass code 0, // Protocol code 0, // Interface string index /* HID Class-Specific Descriptor */ 0x09,//sizeof(USB_HID_DSC)+3, // Size of this descriptor in bytes DSC_HID, // HID descriptor type 0x11,0x01, // HID Spec Release Number in BCD format (1.11) 0x00, // Country Code (0x00 for Not supported) HID_NUM_OF_DSC, // Number of class descriptors, see usbcfg.h DSC_RPT, // Report descriptor type HID_RPT01_SIZE,0x00,//sizeof(hid_rpt01), // Size of the report descriptor /* Endpoint Descriptor */ 0x07,/*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_IN, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01, //Interval /* Endpoint Descriptor */ 0x07,/*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_OUT, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01 //Interval }; //Language code string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[1];}sd000={ sizeof(sd000),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING,{0x0409 }}; //Manufacturer string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[25];}sd001={ sizeof(sd001),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'M','i','c','r','o','c','h','i','p',' ', 'T','e','c','h','n','o','l','o','g','y',' ','I','n','c','.' }}; //Product string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[22];}sd002={ sizeof(sd002),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'S','i','m','p','l','e',' ','H','I','D',' ', 'D','e','v','i','c','e',' ','D','e','m','o' }}; //Class specific descriptor - HID ROM struct{BYTE report[HID_RPT01_SIZE];}hid_rpt01={ { 0x06, 0x00, 0xFF, // Usage Page = 0xFF00 (Vendor Defined Page 1) 0x09, 0x01, // Usage (Vendor Usage 1) 0xA1, 0x01, // Collection (Application) 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 input usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x15, 0x01, // Logical Minimum (data bytes in the report may have minimum value = 0x00) 0x25, 0x40, // Logical Maximum (data bytes in the report may have maximum value = 0x00FF = unsigned 255) 0x75, 0x08, // Report Size: 8-bit field size 0x95, 0x40, // Report Count: Make sixty-four 8-bit fields (the next time the parser hits an "Input", "Output", or "Feature" item) 0x81, 0x00, // Input (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates input packet fields based on the above report size, count, logical min/max, and usage. 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 output usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x91, 0x00, // Output (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates output packet fields. Uses same report size and count as "Input" fields, since nothing new/different was specified to the parser since the "Input" item. 0xC0} // End Collection }; //Array of configuration descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_CD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&configDescriptor1 }; //Array of string descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_SD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd000, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd001, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd002 }; /** EOF usb_descriptors.c ***************************************************/ #endif
PC画面のLED0,LED2、LED3ボタンをクリックして キバン上のLEDを点灯させたあと、キバン上のSW1とSW3をおした時のPCのスクリーンショット画像とキバンの写真です。
ADコンバータで検出された電圧が ダイアログのテキストボックスに小数点以下2桁で3.53[V}と表示されています。
パソコン画面の ダイアログ |
![]() |
PIC32MX795F512L キバン上で SW1 とSW3を押したところ |
![]() |
■ PIC32MX795F512L HIDクラス 漢字を含む文字列の送受信(キャラクタ液晶)
PIC32MX795F512Lにキャラクタ液晶を接続した USB通信 送受信の例を紹介します。 → PC側 VC++ ソフト
・PC側からデータをPIC側にUSB HIDクラス通信で送信する。
・PC側からの送信データ 及びPIC側からの返信データは以下とする。
@ U.K. → London
A America → Washington
B Japan → 0x938c(東)0x8b9e(京)
C 中(0x9286)国 (0x8D91) → 北(0x966B)京(0x8B9E)
D I am a boy. → Pardon ?
<プログラム例> //main.c //32MX795 #include "./USB/usb.h" #include "HardwareProfile.h" #include "./USB/usb_function_hid.h" #include "1lcd_lib_C32.h" //システムクロック80MHz ペリフェラルクロック60MHz #pragma config UPLLEN = ON // USB PLL Enabled #pragma config FPLLMUL = MUL_15 // PLL Multiplier #pragma config UPLLIDIV = DIV_2 // USB PLL Input Divider #pragma config FPLLIDIV = DIV_2 // PLL Input Divider #pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1 // PLL Output Divider #pragma config FPBDIV = DIV_1 // Peripheral Clock divisor #pragma config FWDTEN = OFF // Watchdog Timer #pragma config WDTPS = PS1 // Watchdog Timer Postscale #pragma config FCKSM = CSDCMD // Clock Switching & Fail Safe Clock Monitor #pragma config OSCIOFNC = OFF // CLKO Enable #pragma config POSCMOD = HS // Primary Oscillator #pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal/External Switch-over #pragma config FSOSCEN = OFF // Secondary Oscillator Enable (KLO was off) #pragma config FNOSC = PRIPLL // Oscillator Selection #pragma config CP = OFF // Code Protect #pragma config BWP = OFF // Boot Flash Write Protect #pragma config PWP = OFF // Program Flash Write Protect #pragma config ICESEL = ICS_PGx2 // ICE/ICD Comm Channel Select #define RX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS #define TX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS unsigned char ReceivedDataBuffer[64] RX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS; unsigned char ToSendDataBuffer[64] TX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS; unsigned char SendBuf[64]; unsigned char myChr[17]; //文字列部分 char Buf[64]; //文字列のバッファー用レジスタ unsigned char* str1; char* str2; unsigned char Japan[] = "Japan "; unsigned char UK[] = "U.K. "; unsigned char America[] = "America "; //unsigned char Chuugoku[] = "Chuugoku "; unsigned char Chuugoku[] = {0x92,0x86,0x8D,0x91,' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '}; //中[0x9286] 国[0x8D91] //char Tokyo[] = "Tokyo \r"; char Tokyo[] = {0x93,0x8C,0x8B,0x9E,' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','\r'}; //シフトJIS 東[938C]、京[8B9E] char Pekin[] = {0x96,0x6B,0x8B,0x9E,' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','\r'}; //シフトJIS 北[966B]、京[8B9E] char London[] = "London \r"; char Washington[] = "Washington \r"; char Pardon[] = "Pardon ? \r"; BOOL blinkStatusValid; USB_HANDLE USBGenericOutHandle; //送信ハンドル USB_HANDLE USBGenericInHandle; //受信ハンドル USB_HANDLE USBOutHandle = 0; //USB handle. Must be initialized to 0 at startup. USB_HANDLE USBInHandle = 0; //USB handle. Must be initialized to 0 at startup. void BlinkUSBStatus(void); void ProcessIO(void); void YourHighPriorityISRCode(); void YourLowPriorityISRCode(); void USBCBSendResume(void); void delay_us(unsigned int usec) //1μsec遅延関数 { int count; count = (int)(Clock/20000000)*usec; do //実測: at Clock=80000000 { //delay_us(1000)→1003μsec、 delay_us(100)→102μsec、delay_us(10)→11μsec、delay_us(1)→1.6μsec asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); count--; }while(count != 0); } void delay_ms(unsigned int msec) //1msec遅延関数 { unsigned int i; for(i=0; i<msec; i++) delay_us(1000); } int main(void) { int i ; for(i = 0; i < 65; i++)Buf[i] = ' '; SYSTEMConfigPerformance(60000000); //システム最適化 DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0; //JTAG無効化 AD1PCFG = 0xFFFF; //全RBポートデジタルピンとして使用 TRISDbits.TRISD6=1; TRISDbits.TRISD7=1; TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISBbits.TRISB14 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISBbits.TRISB13 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISBbits.TRISB12 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISAbits.TRISA9 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISAbits.TRISA10 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 //USB関係 USBDeviceInit(); USBOutHandle = 0; USBInHandle = 0; blinkStatusValid = TRUE; USBDeviceAttach(); lcd_init(); // LCD初期化 lcd_clear(); //クリア lcd_cmd(0b00001100); // カーソル:OFF ブリンク:OFF lcd_cmd(0x80); //1目の先頭へ str1 = &myChr[0]; sprintf(Buf,"Iruma ");// lcd_str(str1); lcd_str(Buf); //液晶表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf," World !!"); // lcd_str(Buf); // 開始メッセージ1行目表示 delay_ms(3000); while(1) { // USB接続中なら送受信実行 if((USBDeviceState >= CONFIGURED_STATE)&&(USBSuspendControl!=1))ProcessIO(); } } void ProcessIO(void) { int i; if(!HIDRxHandleBusy(USBOutHandle)) { switch(ReceivedDataBuffer[0]) //コマンドの種類判定 { //接続確認応答 case 0x30: // SendBuf[2] = 'O'; SendBuf[3] = 'K'; if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; case 0x80: //受信文字列判定 & 対応文字列返信 for(i = 1; i < 17; i++)myChr[i-1] = ReceivedDataBuffer[i]; str1 = &myChr[0]; // str1 = &ReceivedDataBuffer[0]; if(strcmp(str1,Japan) == 0) { lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%x%x%x%x",Tokyo[0],Tokyo[1],Tokyo[2],Tokyo[3]); //sprintf()のバグのため(?)か C18では制御文字の前にffをつける仕様になっているためか //液晶には ”ff93ff8Cff8Bff9E” と表示される //シフトJIS 東[938C]、京[8B9E] lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 sprintf(Buf,"%c%c%c%c",Tokyo[0],Tokyo[1],Tokyo[2],Tokyo[3]); //送信するときは%cにして送信 } else if((myChr[0] == Chuugoku[0]) && (myChr[1] == Chuugoku[1]) && (myChr[2] == Chuugoku[2]) && (myChr[3] == Chuugoku[3]) && (myChr[4] == Chuugoku[4]) && (myChr[5] == Chuugoku[5]) && (myChr[6] == Chuugoku[6]) && (myChr[7] == Chuugoku[7]) && (myChr[8] == Chuugoku[8]) && (myChr[9] == Chuugoku[9]) && (myChr[10] == Chuugoku[10]) && (myChr[11] == Chuugoku[11]) && (myChr[12] == Chuugoku[12]) && (myChr[13] == Chuugoku[13]) && (myChr[14] == Chuugoku[14]) && (myChr[15] == Chuugoku[15])) // else if(strcmp(str1,Chuugoku) == 0) //NG: strcmp( )はASCII文字のみに対応 制御文字には対応していない { lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%x%x%x%x",Pekin[0],Pekin[1],Pekin[2],Pekin[3]); //sprintf()のバグのため(?)か C18では制御文字の前にffをつける仕様になっているためか //液晶には ”ff93ff8Cff8Bff9E” と表示される //シフトJIS 東[938C]、京[8B9E] lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 sprintf(Buf,"%c%c%c%c",Pekin[0],Pekin[1],Pekin[2],Pekin[3]); //送信するときは%cにして送信 } else if(strcmp(str1,UK) == 0) { str2 = London; lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%s",str2); lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 } else if(strcmp(str1,America) == 0) { str2 = Washington; lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%s",str2); lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 } else { str2 = Pardon; lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%s",str2); lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 } for(i = 0; i < 18; i++)SendBuf[i] = Buf[i]; //送信データセット if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; } //次の受信実行 USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP, (BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer, 64); } } // ****************************************************************************************************** // ************** USB Callback Functions **************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************************************** void USBCBSuspend(void) { } void USBCBWakeFromSuspend(void) { } void USBCB_SOF_Handler(void) { } void USBCBErrorHandler(void) { } void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void) { USBCheckHIDRequest(); } void USBCBStdSetDscHandler(void) { } void USBCBInitEP(void) { //enable the HID endpoint USBEnableEndpoint(HID_EP,USB_IN_ENABLED|USB_OUT_ENABLED|USB_HANDSHAKE_ENABLED|USB_DISALLOW_SETUP); //Re-arm the OUT endpoint for the next packet USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer,64); } void USBCBSendResume(void) { static WORD delay_count; if(USBGetRemoteWakeupStatus() == TRUE) { if(USBIsBusSuspended() == TRUE) { USBMaskInterrupts(); //Clock switch to settings consistent with normal USB operation. USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); USBSuspendControl = 0; USBBusIsSuspended = FALSE; //So we don't execute this code again, //until a new suspend condition is detected. delay_count = 3600U; do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); //Now drive the resume K-state signalling onto the USB bus. USBResumeControl = 1; // Start RESUME signaling delay_count = 1800U; // Set RESUME line for 1-13 ms do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); USBResumeControl = 0; //Finished driving resume signalling USBUnmaskInterrupts(); } } } BOOL USER_USB_CALLBACK_EVENT_HANDLER(int event, void *pdata, WORD size) { switch(event) { case EVENT_TRANSFER: //Add application specific callback task or callback function here if desired. break; case EVENT_SOF: USBCB_SOF_Handler(); break; case EVENT_SUSPEND: USBCBSuspend(); break; case EVENT_RESUME: USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); break; case EVENT_CONFIGURED: USBCBInitEP(); break; case EVENT_SET_DESCRIPTOR: USBCBStdSetDscHandler(); break; case EVENT_EP0_REQUEST: USBCBCheckOtherReq(); break; case EVENT_BUS_ERROR: USBCBErrorHandler(); break; case EVENT_TRANSFER_TERMINATED: break; default: break; } return TRUE; } /******************************************************************** FileName: usb_descriptors.c Dependencies: See INCLUDES section Processor: PIC18 or PIC24 USB Microcontrollers Hardware: The code is natively intended to be used on the following hardware platforms: PICDEM?FS USB Demo Board, PIC18F87J50 FS USB Plug-In Module, or Explorer 16 + PIC24 USB PIM. The firmware may be modified for use on other USB platforms by editing the HardwareProfile.h file. Complier: Microchip C18 (for PIC18) or C30 (for PIC24) Company: Microchip Technology, Inc. Software License Agreement: The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the 鼎ompany? for its PICョ Microcontroller is intended and supplied to you, the Company痴 customer, for use solely and exclusively on Microchip PIC Microcontroller products. The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN 鄭S IS?CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. ********************************************************************* -usb_descriptors.c- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Filling in the descriptor values in the usb_descriptors.c file: ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Device Descriptors] The device descriptor is defined as a USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR type. This type is defined in usb_ch9.h Each entry into this structure needs to be the correct length for the data type of the entry. [Configuration Descriptors] The configuration descriptor was changed in v2.x from a structure to a BYTE array. Given that the configuration is now a byte array each byte of multi-byte fields must be listed individually. This means that for fields like the total size of the configuration where the field is a 16-bit value "64,0," is the correct entry for a configuration that is only 64 bytes long and not "64," which is one too few bytes. The configuration attribute must always have the _DEFAULT definition at the minimum. Additional options can be ORed to the _DEFAULT attribute. Available options are _SELF and _RWU. These definitions are defined in the usb_device.h file. The _SELF tells the USB host that this device is self-powered. The _RWU tells the USB host that this device supports Remote Wakeup. [Endpoint Descriptors] Like the configuration descriptor, the endpoint descriptors were changed in v2.x of the stack from a structure to a BYTE array. As endpoint descriptors also has a field that are multi-byte entities, please be sure to specify both bytes of the field. For example, for the endpoint size an endpoint that is 64 bytes needs to have the size defined as "64,0," instead of "64," Take the following example: // Endpoint Descriptor // 0x07, //the size of this descriptor // USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor _EP02_IN, //EndpointAddress _INT, //Attributes 0x08,0x00, //size (note: 2 bytes) 0x02, //Interval The first two parameters are self-explanatory. They specify the length of this endpoint descriptor (7) and the descriptor type. The next parameter identifies the endpoint, the definitions are defined in usb_device.h and has the following naming convention: _EP<##>_<dir> where ## is the endpoint number and dir is the direction of transfer. The dir has the value of either 'OUT' or 'IN'. The next parameter identifies the type of the endpoint. Available options are _BULK, _INT, _ISO, and _CTRL. The _CTRL is not typically used because the default control transfer endpoint is not defined in the USB descriptors. When _ISO option is used, addition options can be ORed to _ISO. Example: _ISO|_AD|_FE This describes the endpoint as an isochronous pipe with adaptive and feedback attributes. See usb_device.h and the USB specification for details. The next parameter defines the size of the endpoint. The last parameter in the polling interval. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding a USB String ------------------------------------------------------------------- A string descriptor array should have the following format: rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[size];}sdxxx={ sizeof(sdxxx),DSC_STR,<text>}; The above structure provides a means for the C compiler to calculate the length of string descriptor sdxxx, where xxx is the index number. The first two bytes of the descriptor are descriptor length and type. The rest <text> are string texts which must be in the unicode format. The unicode format is achieved by declaring each character as a word type. The whole text string is declared as a word array with the number of characters equals to <size>. <size> has to be manually counted and entered into the array declaration. Let's study this through an example: if the string is "USB" , then the string descriptor should be: (Using index 02) rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[3];}sd002={ sizeof(sd002),DSC_STR,'U','S','B'}; A USB project may have multiple strings and the firmware supports the management of multiple strings through a look-up table. The look-up table is defined as: rom const unsigned char *rom USB_SD_Ptr[]={&sd000,&sd001,&sd002}; The above declaration has 3 strings, sd000, sd001, and sd002. Strings can be removed or added. sd000 is a specialized string descriptor. It defines the language code, usually this is US English (0x0409). The index of the string must match the index position of the USB_SD_Ptr array, &sd000 must be in position USB_SD_Ptr[0], &sd001 must be in position USB_SD_Ptr[1] and so on. The look-up table USB_SD_Ptr is used by the get string handler function. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The look-up table scheme also applies to the configuration descriptor. A USB device may have multiple configuration descriptors, i.e. CFG01, CFG02, etc. To add a configuration descriptor, user must implement a structure similar to CFG01. The next step is to add the configuration descriptor name, i.e. cfg01, cfg02,.., to the look-up table USB_CD_Ptr. USB_CD_Ptr[0] is a dummy place holder since configuration 0 is the un-configured state according to the definition in the USB specification. ********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * Descriptor specific type definitions are defined in: * usb_device.h * * Configuration options are defined in: * usb_config.h ********************************************************************/ #ifndef __USB_DESCRIPTORS_C #define __USB_DESCRIPTORS_C /** INCLUDES *******************************************************/ #include "./USB/usb.h" #include "./USB/usb_function_hid.h" /** CONSTANTS ******************************************************/ #if defined(__18CXX) #pragma romdata #endif /* Device Descriptor */ ROM USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR device_dsc= { 0x12, // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE, // DEVICE descriptor type 0x0200, // USB Spec Release Number in BCD format 0x00, // Class Code 0x00, // Subclass code 0x00, // Protocol code USB_EP0_BUFF_SIZE, // Max packet size for EP0, see usb_config.h 0x04D8, // Vendor ID 0x003F, // Product ID: Custom HID device demo 0x0002, // Device release number in BCD format 0x01, // Manufacturer string index 0x02, // Product string index 0x00, // Device serial number string index 0x01 // Number of possible configurations }; /* Configuration 1 Descriptor */ ROM BYTE configDescriptor1[]={ /* Configuration Descriptor */ 0x09,//sizeof(USB_CFG_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, // CONFIGURATION descriptor type 0x29,0x00, // Total length of data for this cfg 1, // Number of interfaces in this cfg 1, // Index value of this configuration 0, // Configuration string index _DEFAULT | _SELF, // Attributes, see usb_device.h 50, // Max power consumption (2X mA) /* Interface Descriptor */ 0x09,//sizeof(USB_INTF_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE, // INTERFACE descriptor type 0, // Interface Number 0, // Alternate Setting Number 2, // Number of endpoints in this intf HID_INTF, // Class code 0, // Subclass code 0, // Protocol code 0, // Interface string index /* HID Class-Specific Descriptor */ 0x09,//sizeof(USB_HID_DSC)+3, // Size of this descriptor in bytes DSC_HID, // HID descriptor type 0x11,0x01, // HID Spec Release Number in BCD format (1.11) 0x00, // Country Code (0x00 for Not supported) HID_NUM_OF_DSC, // Number of class descriptors, see usbcfg.h DSC_RPT, // Report descriptor type HID_RPT01_SIZE,0x00,//sizeof(hid_rpt01), // Size of the report descriptor /* Endpoint Descriptor */ 0x07,/*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_IN, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01, //Interval /* Endpoint Descriptor */ 0x07,/*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_OUT, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01 //Interval }; //Language code string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[1];}sd000={ sizeof(sd000),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING,{0x0409 }}; //Manufacturer string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[25];}sd001={ sizeof(sd001),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'M','i','c','r','o','c','h','i','p',' ', 'T','e','c','h','n','o','l','o','g','y',' ','I','n','c','.' }}; //Product string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[22];}sd002={ sizeof(sd002),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'S','i','m','p','l','e',' ','H','I','D',' ', 'D','e','v','i','c','e',' ','D','e','m','o' }}; //Class specific descriptor - HID ROM struct{BYTE report[HID_RPT01_SIZE];}hid_rpt01={ { 0x06, 0x00, 0xFF, // Usage Page = 0xFF00 (Vendor Defined Page 1) 0x09, 0x01, // Usage (Vendor Usage 1) 0xA1, 0x01, // Collection (Application) 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 input usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x15, 0x01, // Logical Minimum (data bytes in the report may have minimum value = 0x00) 0x25, 0x40, // Logical Maximum (data bytes in the report may have maximum value = 0x00FF = unsigned 255) 0x75, 0x08, // Report Size: 8-bit field size 0x95, 0x40, // Report Count: Make sixty-four 8-bit fields (the next time the parser hits an "Input", "Output", or "Feature" item) 0x81, 0x00, // Input (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates input packet fields based on the above report size, count, logical min/max, and usage. 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 output usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x91, 0x00, // Output (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates output packet fields. Uses same report size and count as "Input" fields, since nothing new/different was specified to the parser since the "Input" item. 0xC0} // End Collection }; //Array of configuration descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_CD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&configDescriptor1 }; //Array of string descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_SD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd000, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd001, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd002 }; /** EOF usb_descriptors.c ***************************************************/ #endif //************************************************************************* //インクルードファイル 1lcd_lib_C32.h //このファイルは後閑哲也さんが設計されたCCSコンパイラ用液晶表示ライブラリ 1lcd_lib.cをもとに、 //C32コンパイラ対応等で変更したものです。 //************************************************************************* #include <proc/p32mx795f512l.h> //PIC32MX460F512L #define Clock 80000000 // 単位はHzで指定 // LCDポート設定 #define lcd_port_DB7 LATBbits.LATB15 //LCDのDB7(14番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_port_DB6 LATBbits.LATB14 //LCDのDB6(13番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_port_DB5 LATBbits.LATB13 //のDB5(12番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_port_DB4 LATBbits.LATB12 //LCDのDB4(11番ピン)に接続されつPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_rs LATAbits.LATA9 //LCDのrs(4番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_stb LATAbits.LATA10 //LCDのstb(6番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 void lcd_out(char code, char flag); void lcd_data(char asci); void lcd_cmd(char cmd); void lcd_clear(void); void lcd_init(void); void lcd_str(char *str); //************************************************************************** //インクルードファイル 1lcd_lib_C32.c //このファイルは後閑哲也さんが設計されたCCSコンパイラ用液晶表示ライブラリ 1lcd_lib.cをもとに、 //C32コンパイラ対応等で変更したものです。 //************************************************************************** /////////////////////////////////////////////// // 液晶表示器制御ライブラリ for C32コンパイラー // 内蔵関数は以下 // lcd_init() ----- 初期化 // lcd_cmd(cmd) ----- コマンド出力 // lcd_data(chr) ----- 1文字表示出力 // lcd_clear() ----- 全消去 // lcd_str(str*) ----- 文字列表示 ////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "1lcd_lib_C32.h" void lcd_delay_us(unsigned int usec) //1μsec遅延関数 { int count; count = (int)(Clock/20000000)*usec; do { asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); count--; }while(count != 0); } void lcd_delay_ms(unsigned int msec) //1msec遅延関数 { unsigned int i; for(i=0; i<msec; i++) lcd_delay_us(1000); } //////// データ出力サブ関数 void lcd_out(char code, char flag) { if(code & 0b10000000)lcd_port_DB7 = 1; //LCDのDB7への出力セット else lcd_port_DB7 = 0; if(code & 0b01000000)lcd_port_DB6 = 1; //LCDのDB6への出力セット else lcd_port_DB6 = 0; if(code & 0b00100000)lcd_port_DB5 = 1; //LCDのDB5への出力セット else lcd_port_DB5 = 0; if(code & 0b00010000)lcd_port_DB4 = 1; //LCDのDB4への出力セット else lcd_port_DB4 = 0; if (flag == 0) lcd_rs = 1; // 表示データの場合 else lcd_rs = 0; // コマンドデータの場合 lcd_delay_us(1); //1μsecウェイト lcd_stb = 1; // strobe(E) ON (Enable) lcd_delay_us(1); // 1μsec : strobe信号の幅 lcd_stb = 0; // reset strobe } //////// 1文字表示関数 void lcd_data(char asci) { lcd_out(asci, 0); // 上位4ビット出力 lcd_out(asci<<4, 0); // 下位4ビット出力 lcd_delay_us(50); //50μsecウェイト } /////// コマンド出力関数 void lcd_cmd(char cmd) { lcd_out(cmd, 1); // 上位4ビット出力 lcd_out(cmd<<4, 1); // 下位4ビット出力 if((cmd & 0x03) != 0) // clear Homeの場合 lcd_delay_ms(2); // 2msec待ち else lcd_delay_us(50); //50μsecウェイト } /////// 全消去関数 void lcd_clear(void) { lcd_cmd(0x01); // 初期化コマンド出力 } /////// 文字列出力関数 void lcd_str(char* str) { while(*str) //文字列終端の '\0'を検出するまで { lcd_data(*str); // 1文字表示 str++; //ポインタをインクリメント } } /////// 初期化関数 void lcd_init(void) { lcd_delay_ms(20); //20msecウェイト lcd_out(0x30, 1); // 8bit mode set lcd_delay_ms(5); //5msecウェイト lcd_out(0x30, 1); // 8bit mode set lcd_delay_ms(1); //1msecウェイト lcd_out(0x30, 1); // 8bit mode set lcd_delay_ms(1); //1msecウェイト lcd_out(0x20, 1); // 4bit mode set lcd_delay_ms(1); //1msecウェイト lcd_cmd(0x2E); // DL=0 4bit mode lcd_cmd(0x08); // display off C=D=B=0 lcd_cmd(0x0D); // display on C=D=1 B=0 lcd_cmd(0x06); // entry I/D=1 S=0 lcd_cmd(0x02); // cursor home }
PIC32MX795F512Lの液晶 上段: PCからの受信文字列 下段: PCへの返信文字列 |
PC画面 | |
USB接続が 未接続の状態 |
- |
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接続ボタンをクリックして USB接続が 確立した状態 |
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![]() |
コンボボックスから ”U.K.”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
![]() |
![]() |
次に、コンボボックスから ”America”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
![]() |
![]() |
次に、コンボボックスから ”Japan”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
![]() |
![]() |
次に、コンボボックスから ”中国”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
![]() |
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最後に、コンボボックスから ”I am a boy”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
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■ PIC32MX795F512L HIDクラス 漢字を含む文字列の送受信(グラフィック液晶)
PIC32MX795F512Lにグラフィック液晶を接続した USB通信 送受信の例を紹介します。 → PC側 VC++ ソフト
・PC側からデータをPIC側にUSB HIDクラス通信で送信する。
・PC側からの送信データ 及びPIC側からの返信データは以下とする。
@ U.K. → London
A America → Washington
B Japan → 0x938c(東)0x8b9e(京)
C 中(0x9286)国 (0x8D91) → 北(0x966B)京(0x8B9E)
D I am a boy. → Pardon ?
<プログラム例> #include "Main.h" #include "GDD_Screens.h" //USB関係 #include "./USB/usb.h" #include "HardwareProfile.h" #include "./USB/usb_function_hid.h" #include "1lcd_lib_C32.h" //システムクロック80MHz ペリフェラルクロック60MHz #pragma config UPLLEN = ON // USB PLL Enabled #pragma config FPLLMUL = MUL_15 // PLL Multiplier #pragma config UPLLIDIV = DIV_2 // USB PLL Input Divider #pragma config FPLLIDIV = DIV_2 // PLL Input Divider #pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1 // PLL Output Divider #pragma config FPBDIV = DIV_1 // Peripheral Clock divisor #pragma config FWDTEN = OFF // Watchdog Timer #pragma config WDTPS = PS1 // Watchdog Timer Postscale #pragma config FCKSM = CSDCMD // Clock Switching & Fail Safe Clock Monitor #pragma config OSCIOFNC = OFF // CLKO Enable #pragma config POSCMOD = HS // Primary Oscillator #pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal/External Switch-over #pragma config FSOSCEN = OFF // Secondary Oscillator Enable (KLO was off) #pragma config FNOSC = PRIPLL // Oscillator Selection #pragma config CP = OFF // Code Protect #pragma config BWP = OFF // Boot Flash Write Protect #pragma config PWP = OFF // Program Flash Write Protect #pragma config ICESEL = ICS_PGx2 // ICE/ICD Comm Channel Select // Configuration bits // #pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1, FPLLMUL = MUL_20, FPLLIDIV = DIV_2, FWDTEN = OFF, FCKSM = CSECME, FPBDIV = DIV_1 // #pragma config OSCIOFNC = ON, POSCMOD = XT, FSOSCEN = ON, FNOSC = PRIPLL // #pragma config CP = OFF, BWP = OFF, PWP = OFF // SPI Device Initialization Function #if defined (USE_SST25VF016) #define FlashInit(pInitData) SST25Init((DRV_SPI_INIT_DATA*)pInitData) #if defined (SPI_CHANNEL_2_ENABLE) const DRV_SPI_INIT_DATA SPI_Init_Data = {SST25_SPI_CHANNEL, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}; #endif #endif #define RX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS #define TX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS unsigned char ReceivedDataBuffer[64] RX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS; unsigned char ToSendDataBuffer[64] TX_DATA_BUFFER_ADDRESS; unsigned char SendBuf[64]; unsigned char myChr[17]; //文字列部分 unsigned char tempBuf[1024]; unsigned char* str10; char Buf[64]; //文字列のバッファー用レジスタ volatile DWORD tick = 0; // tick counter unsigned char* str1; char* str2; unsigned char Kaigyou[] = "\n"; unsigned char Japan[] = "Japan "; unsigned char UK[] = "U.K. "; unsigned char America[] = "America "; //unsigned char Chuugoku[] = "Chuugoku "; unsigned char Chuugoku[] = {0x92,0x86,0x8D,0x91,' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '}; //中[0x9286] 国[0x8D91] char Tokyo_english[] = "Tokyo \r"; char Tokyo[] = {0x93,0x8C,0x8B,0x9E,' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','\r'}; //シフトJIS 東[938C]、京[8B9E] char Pekin[] = {0x96,0x6B,0x8B,0x9E,' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','\r'}; //シフトJIS 北[966B]、京[8B9E] char Pekin_english[] = "Pekin \r"; char London[] = "London \r"; char Washington[] = "Washington \r"; char Pardon[] = "Pardon ? \r"; BOOL blinkStatusValid; USB_HANDLE USBGenericOutHandle; //送信ハンドル USB_HANDLE USBGenericInHandle; //受信ハンドル USB_HANDLE USBOutHandle = 0; //USB handle. Must be initialized to 0 at startup. USB_HANDLE USBInHandle = 0; //USB handle. Must be initialized to 0 at startup. // 関数のプロトタイプ宣言 void BlinkUSBStatus(void); void ProcessIO(void); void YourHighPriorityISRCode(); void YourLowPriorityISRCode(); void USBCBSendResume(void); void TickInit(void); // starts tick counter void delay_us(unsigned int usec) //1μsec遅延関数 { int count; count = (int)(Clock/20000000)*usec; do //実測: at Clock=80000000 { //delay_us(1000)→1003μsec、 delay_us(100)→102μsec、delay_us(10)→11μsec、delay_us(1)→1.6μsec asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); count--; }while(count != 0); } void delay_ms(unsigned int msec) //1msec遅延関数 { unsigned int i; for(i=0; i<msec; i++) delay_us(1000); } int main(void) { int i ; for(i = 0; i < 65; i++)Buf[i] = ' '; SYSTEMConfigPerformance(60000000); //システム最適化 INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); //ベクタ方式割り込みを許可する // SYSTEMConfigPerformance(GetSystemClock()); //SYSTEMConfigPerformance(80000000);// システム最適化//キャッシュ・プリフェッチバッファ有効化 DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0; //I/OポートとしてRA0、RA1、RA4、RA5をつかう場合、電源投入後DDPCONレジスタのbit3を0に、設定する必要があり;ます。 AD1PCFG =0xFFFF; //★必須 //Bポート:アナログ → デジタル TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISBbits.TRISB14 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISBbits.TRISB13 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISBbits.TRISB12 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISAbits.TRISA9 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISAbits.TRISA10 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISGbits.TRISG15 = 0; //RG15(1番ピン)ポート LED点灯用 TRISDbits.TRISD2 = 0; //RD2 LED点灯用 TRISDbits.TRISD3 = 0; //RD3 LED点灯用 LATGbits.LATG15 = 1; //LED off LATDbits.LATD2 = 1; //LED off LATDbits.LATD3 = 1; //LED off TRISBbits.TRISB0 = 1; //RB0 in port TRISBbits.TRISB1 = 1; //RB1 in port //USB関係 USBDeviceInit(); USBOutHandle = 0; USBInHandle = 0; blinkStatusValid = TRUE; USBDeviceAttach(); lcd_init(); // LCD初期化 lcd_cmd(0b00001100); // カーソル:OFF ブリンク:OFF lcd_cmd(0x80); //1目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf,"USB HID");// lcd_str(Buf); //液晶表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf," GDDX LCD Start !!"); // lcd_str(Buf); // 開始メッセージ1行目表示 DisplayResetDisable(); //Sets RST high DisplayResetConfig(); //Sets the pin to output DelayMs(3000); //Wait 500 ms at startup SetColor(BLACK); ClearDevice(); GOL_MSG msg; // GOL message structure to interact with GOL GOLInit(); // Initialize graphics library and create default style scheme for GOL //SPIフラッシュメモリ初期化 //Set IOs directions for SST25 SPI //SST25VF016がないと正常に表示されない //抵抗膜をPIのがADコンバータを使用して、タッチ位置を検出する場合は位置校正記憶のためSST25VF016は必要 SST25_CS_LAT = 1; SST25_CS_TRIS = 0; SST25_SCK_TRIS = 0; SST25_SDO_TRIS = 0; SST25_SDI_TRIS = 1; FlashInit(&SPI_Init_Data); // initialize the Flash Memory driver TouchHardwareInit(); //タッチパネル初期化 TickInit(); //タイマ4 初期化 str10 = &tempBuf[0]; GDDDemoCreateFirstScreen(); while(1) { // USB接続中なら送受信実行 if((USBDeviceState >= CONFIGURED_STATE)&&(USBSuspendControl!=1))ProcessIO(); if(GOLDraw()) // Draw GOL object { TouchGetMsg(&msg); // Get message from touch screen GOLMsg(&msg); // Process message } }//end while } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: WORD GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER* pObj, GOL_MSG* pMsg) // Input: objMsg - translated message for the object, // pObj - pointer to the object, // pMsg - pointer to the non-translated, raw GOL message // Output: if the function returns non-zero the message will be processed by default // Overview: it's a user defined function. GOLMsg() function calls it each // time the valid message for the object received ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WORD GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER *pObj, GOL_MSG *pMsg) { WORD objectID; objectID = GetObjID(pObj); GDDDemoGOLMsgCallback(objMsg, pObj, pMsg); // Add additional code here... return (1); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: WORD GOLDrawCallback() // Output: if the function returns non-zero the draw control will be passed to GOL // Overview: it's a user defined function. GOLDraw() function calls it each // time when GOL objects drawing is completed. User drawing should be done here. // GOL will not change color, line type and clipping region settings while // this function returns zero. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WORD GOLDrawCallback(void) { GDDDemoGOLDrawCallback(); // Add additional code here... return (1); } void __ISR(_TIMER_4_VECTOR, ipl1) _T4Interrupt(void) //タイマ4割り込み //100msec毎 { // LATGbits.LATG15 = 0; //割り込み時間(実測):3msec tick++; TMR4 = 0; mT4ClearIntFlag(); // Clear flag TouchDetectPosition(); /* lcd_clear(); // 全消去 lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf,"X = %d",TouchGetX());//タッチX座標表示 lcd_str(Buf); //液晶表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf,"Y = %d",TouchGetY()); //タッチY座標表示 lcd_str(Buf); // 開始メッセージ1行目表示 */ // LATGbits.LATG15 = 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SAMPLE_PERIOD 500 // us #define TICK_PERIOD (GetPeripheralClock() * SAMPLE_PERIOD) / 4000000 //TICK_PERIOD = 80000000 * 500 / 4000000 = 80* 500 / 4 = 20*500 = 10000 void TickInit(void) //タイマ4初期化 { OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_PS_1_256, 31249); //1000/80000000*256*31249 =99.9968 msec // OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_PS_1_8, 10000); //2msec // OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_PS_1_8, TICK_PERIOD); //実測値:35μsec //オーバーフローエラー発生 ConfigIntTimer4(T4_INT_ON | T4_INT_PRIOR_1); } void ProcessIO(void) { int i; if(!HIDRxHandleBusy(USBOutHandle)) { switch(ReceivedDataBuffer[0]) //コマンドの種類判定 { //接続確認応答 case 0x30: // SendBuf[2] = 'O'; SendBuf[3] = 'K'; if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; case 0x80: //受信文字列判定 & 対応文字列返信 for(i = 1; i < 17; i++)myChr[i-1] = ReceivedDataBuffer[i]; str1 = &myChr[0]; // str1 = &ReceivedDataBuffer[0]; if(strcmp(str1,Japan) == 0) { lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%x%x%x%x",Tokyo[0],Tokyo[1],Tokyo[2],Tokyo[3]); //sprintf()のバグのため(?)か C18では制御文字の前にffをつける仕様になっているためか //液晶には ”ff93ff8Cff8Bff9E” と表示される //シフトJIS 東[938C]、京[8B9E] lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 sprintf(Buf,"%c%c%c%c",Tokyo[0],Tokyo[1],Tokyo[2],Tokyo[3]); //送信するときは%cにして送信 str2 = Tokyo_english; } else if((myChr[0] == Chuugoku[0]) && (myChr[1] == Chuugoku[1]) && (myChr[2] == Chuugoku[2]) && (myChr[3] == Chuugoku[3]) && (myChr[4] == Chuugoku[4]) && (myChr[5] == Chuugoku[5]) && (myChr[6] == Chuugoku[6]) && (myChr[7] == Chuugoku[7]) && (myChr[8] == Chuugoku[8]) && (myChr[9] == Chuugoku[9]) && (myChr[10] == Chuugoku[10]) && (myChr[11] == Chuugoku[11]) && (myChr[12] == Chuugoku[12]) && (myChr[13] == Chuugoku[13]) && (myChr[14] == Chuugoku[14]) && (myChr[15] == Chuugoku[15])) // else if(strcmp(str1,Chuugoku) == 0) //NG: strcmp( )はASCII文字のみに対応 制御文字には対応していない { lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%x%x%x%x",Pekin[0],Pekin[1],Pekin[2],Pekin[3]); //sprintf()のバグのため(?)か C18では制御文字の前にffをつける仕様になっているためか //液晶には ”ff93ff8Cff8Bff9E” と表示される //シフトJIS 東[938C]、京[8B9E] lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 sprintf(Buf,"%c%c%c%c",Pekin[0],Pekin[1],Pekin[2],Pekin[3]); //送信するときは%cにして送信 str2 = Pekin_english; } else if(strcmp(str1,UK) == 0) { str2 = London; lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%s",str2); lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 } else if(strcmp(str1,America) == 0) { str2 = Washington; lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%s",str2); lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 } else { str2 = Pardon; lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目へ sprintf(Buf,"%s",str1); lcd_str(Buf); //受信データを液晶に表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目 sprintf(Buf,"%s",str2); lcd_str(Buf); //送信データを液晶に表示 } //グラフィック液晶のStatic Text Widgetに表示 STATICTEXT *pSTE_1 = (STATICTEXT*)GOLFindObject(STE_1); //エディットボックスのオブジェクト検出 pSTE_1->hdr.state = ST_DRAW; //再描画により文字は左アラインにリセットされる strncat(str10,str2,16); //文字追加 strncat(str10,Kaigyou,16); //改行 StSetText((STATICTEXT*)pSTE_1, str10); // SetState(pSTE_1, ST_DRAW); for(i = 0; i < 18; i++)SendBuf[i] = Buf[i]; //送信データセット if(!HIDTxHandleBusy(USBInHandle)) USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&SendBuf[0],64); //PC側に送信 break; } //次の受信実行 USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP, (BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer, 64); } } // ****************************************************************************************************** // ************** USB Callback Functions **************************************************************** // ****************************************************************************************************** void USBCBSuspend(void) { } void USBCBWakeFromSuspend(void) { } void USBCB_SOF_Handler(void) { } void USBCBErrorHandler(void) { } void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void) { USBCheckHIDRequest(); } void USBCBStdSetDscHandler(void) { } void USBCBInitEP(void) { //enable the HID endpoint USBEnableEndpoint(HID_EP,USB_IN_ENABLED|USB_OUT_ENABLED|USB_HANDSHAKE_ENABLED|USB_DISALLOW_SETUP); //Re-arm the OUT endpoint for the next packet USBOutHandle = HIDRxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&ReceivedDataBuffer,64); } void USBCBSendResume(void) { static WORD delay_count; if(USBGetRemoteWakeupStatus() == TRUE) { if(USBIsBusSuspended() == TRUE) { USBMaskInterrupts(); //Clock switch to settings consistent with normal USB operation. USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); USBSuspendControl = 0; USBBusIsSuspended = FALSE; //So we don't execute this code again, //until a new suspend condition is detected. delay_count = 3600U; do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); //Now drive the resume K-state signalling onto the USB bus. USBResumeControl = 1; // Start RESUME signaling delay_count = 1800U; // Set RESUME line for 1-13 ms do { delay_count--; }while(delay_count); USBResumeControl = 0; //Finished driving resume signalling USBUnmaskInterrupts(); } } } BOOL USER_USB_CALLBACK_EVENT_HANDLER(int event, void *pdata, WORD size) { switch(event) { case EVENT_TRANSFER: //Add application specific callback task or callback function here if desired. break; case EVENT_SOF: USBCB_SOF_Handler(); break; case EVENT_SUSPEND: USBCBSuspend(); break; case EVENT_RESUME: USBCBWakeFromSuspend(); break; case EVENT_CONFIGURED: USBCBInitEP(); break; case EVENT_SET_DESCRIPTOR: USBCBStdSetDscHandler(); break; case EVENT_EP0_REQUEST: USBCBCheckOtherReq(); break; case EVENT_BUS_ERROR: USBCBErrorHandler(); break; case EVENT_TRANSFER_TERMINATED: break; default: break; } return TRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //usb_descriptors.c /* Device Descriptor */ ROM USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR device_dsc= { 0x12, // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE, // DEVICE descriptor type 0x0200, // USB Spec Release Number in BCD format 0x00, // Class Code 0x00, // Subclass code 0x00, // Protocol code USB_EP0_BUFF_SIZE, // Max packet size for EP0, see usb_config.h 0x04D8, // Vendor ID 0x003F, // Product ID: Custom HID device demo 0x0002, // Device release number in BCD format 0x01, // Manufacturer string index 0x02, // Product string index 0x00, // Device serial number string index 0x01 // Number of possible configurations }; /* Configuration 1 Descriptor */ ROM BYTE configDescriptor1[]={ /* Configuration Descriptor */ 0x09,//sizeof(USB_CFG_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, // CONFIGURATION descriptor type 0x29,0x00, // Total length of data for this cfg 1, // Number of interfaces in this cfg 1, // Index value of this configuration 0, // Configuration string index _DEFAULT | _SELF, // Attributes, see usb_device.h 50, // Max power consumption (2X mA) /* Interface Descriptor */ 0x09,//sizeof(USB_INTF_DSC), // Size of this descriptor in bytes USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE, // INTERFACE descriptor type 0, // Interface Number 0, // Alternate Setting Number 2, // Number of endpoints in this intf HID_INTF, // Class code 0, // Subclass code 0, // Protocol code 0, // Interface string index /* HID Class-Specific Descriptor */ 0x09,//sizeof(USB_HID_DSC)+3, // Size of this descriptor in bytes DSC_HID, // HID descriptor type 0x11,0x01, // HID Spec Release Number in BCD format (1.11) 0x00, // Country Code (0x00 for Not supported) HID_NUM_OF_DSC, // Number of class descriptors, see usbcfg.h DSC_RPT, // Report descriptor type HID_RPT01_SIZE,0x00,//sizeof(hid_rpt01), // Size of the report descriptor /* Endpoint Descriptor */ 0x07,/*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_IN, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01, //Interval /* Endpoint Descriptor */ 0x07,/*sizeof(USB_EP_DSC)*/ USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, //Endpoint Descriptor HID_EP | _EP_OUT, //EndpointAddress _INTERRUPT, //Attributes 0x40,0x00, //size 0x01 //Interval }; //Language code string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[1];}sd000={ sizeof(sd000),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING,{0x0409 }}; //Manufacturer string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[25];}sd001={ sizeof(sd001),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'M','i','c','r','o','c','h','i','p',' ', 'T','e','c','h','n','o','l','o','g','y',' ','I','n','c','.' }}; //Product string descriptor ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[22];}sd002={ sizeof(sd002),USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, {'S','i','m','p','l','e',' ','H','I','D',' ', 'D','e','v','i','c','e',' ','D','e','m','o' }}; //Class specific descriptor - HID ROM struct{BYTE report[HID_RPT01_SIZE];}hid_rpt01={ { 0x06, 0x00, 0xFF, // Usage Page = 0xFF00 (Vendor Defined Page 1) 0x09, 0x01, // Usage (Vendor Usage 1) 0xA1, 0x01, // Collection (Application) 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 input usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x15, 0x01, // Logical Minimum (data bytes in the report may have minimum value = 0x00) 0x25, 0x40, // Logical Maximum (data bytes in the report may have maximum value = 0x00FF = unsigned 255) 0x75, 0x08, // Report Size: 8-bit field size 0x95, 0x40, // Report Count: Make sixty-four 8-bit fields (the next time the parser hits an "Input", "Output", or "Feature" item) 0x81, 0x00, // Input (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates input packet fields based on the above report size, count, logical min/max, and usage. 0x19, 0x01, // Usage Minimum 0x29, 0x40, // Usage Maximum //64 output usages total (0x01 to 0x40) 0x91, 0x00, // Output (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates output packet fields. Uses same report size and count as "Input" fields, since nothing new/different was specified to the parser since the "Input" item. 0xC0} // End Collection }; //Array of configuration descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_CD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&configDescriptor1 }; //Array of string descriptors ROM BYTE *ROM USB_SD_Ptr[]= { (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd000, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd001, (ROM BYTE *ROM)&sd002 }; /** EOF usb_descriptors.c ***************************************************/ #endif //************************************************************************* //インクルードファイル 1lcd_lib_C32.h //このファイルは後閑哲也さんが設計されたCCSコンパイラ用液晶表示ライブラリ 1lcd_lib.cをもとに、 //C32コンパイラ対応等で変更したものです。 //************************************************************************* #include <proc/p32mx795f512l.h> //PIC32MX460F512L #define Clock 80000000 // 単位はHzで指定 // LCDポート設定 #define lcd_port_DB7 LATBbits.LATB15 //LCDのDB7(14番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_port_DB6 LATBbits.LATB14 //LCDのDB6(13番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_port_DB5 LATBbits.LATB13 //のDB5(12番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_port_DB4 LATBbits.LATB12 //LCDのDB4(11番ピン)に接続されつPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_rs LATAbits.LATA9 //LCDのrs(4番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 #define lcd_stb LATAbits.LATA10 //LCDのstb(6番ピン)に接続されるPIC側ポート番号設定 void lcd_out(char code, char flag); void lcd_data(char asci); void lcd_cmd(char cmd); void lcd_clear(void); void lcd_init(void); void lcd_str(char *str); //************************************************************************** //インクルードファイル 1lcd_lib_C32.c //このファイルは後閑哲也さんが設計されたCCSコンパイラ用液晶表示ライブラリ 1lcd_lib.cをもとに、 //C32コンパイラ対応等で変更したものです。 //************************************************************************** /////////////////////////////////////////////// // 液晶表示器制御ライブラリ for C32コンパイラー // 内蔵関数は以下 // lcd_init() ----- 初期化 // lcd_cmd(cmd) ----- コマンド出力 // lcd_data(chr) ----- 1文字表示出力 // lcd_clear() ----- 全消去 // lcd_str(str*) ----- 文字列表示 ////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "1lcd_lib_C32.h" void lcd_delay_us(unsigned int usec) //1μsec遅延関数 { int count; count = (int)(Clock/20000000)*usec; do { asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); count--; }while(count != 0); } void lcd_delay_ms(unsigned int msec) //1msec遅延関数 { unsigned int i; for(i=0; i<msec; i++) lcd_delay_us(1000); } //////// データ出力サブ関数 void lcd_out(char code, char flag) { if(code & 0b10000000)lcd_port_DB7 = 1; //LCDのDB7への出力セット else lcd_port_DB7 = 0; if(code & 0b01000000)lcd_port_DB6 = 1; //LCDのDB6への出力セット else lcd_port_DB6 = 0; if(code & 0b00100000)lcd_port_DB5 = 1; //LCDのDB5への出力セット else lcd_port_DB5 = 0; if(code & 0b00010000)lcd_port_DB4 = 1; //LCDのDB4への出力セット else lcd_port_DB4 = 0; if (flag == 0) lcd_rs = 1; // 表示データの場合 else lcd_rs = 0; // コマンドデータの場合 lcd_delay_us(1); //1μsecウェイト lcd_stb = 1; // strobe(E) ON (Enable) lcd_delay_us(1); // 1μsec : strobe信号の幅 lcd_stb = 0; // reset strobe } //////// 1文字表示関数 void lcd_data(char asci) { lcd_out(asci, 0); // 上位4ビット出力 lcd_out(asci<<4, 0); // 下位4ビット出力 lcd_delay_us(50); //50μsecウェイト } /////// コマンド出力関数 void lcd_cmd(char cmd) { lcd_out(cmd, 1); // 上位4ビット出力 lcd_out(cmd<<4, 1); // 下位4ビット出力 if((cmd & 0x03) != 0) // clear Homeの場合 lcd_delay_ms(2); // 2msec待ち else lcd_delay_us(50); //50μsecウェイト } /////// 全消去関数 void lcd_clear(void) { lcd_cmd(0x01); // 初期化コマンド出力 } /////// 文字列出力関数 void lcd_str(char* str) { while(*str) //文字列終端の '\0'を検出するまで { lcd_data(*str); // 1文字表示 str++; //ポインタをインクリメント } } /////// 初期化関数 void lcd_init(void) { lcd_delay_ms(20); //20msecウェイト lcd_out(0x30, 1); // 8bit mode set lcd_delay_ms(5); //5msecウェイト lcd_out(0x30, 1); // 8bit mode set lcd_delay_ms(1); //1msecウェイト lcd_out(0x30, 1); // 8bit mode set lcd_delay_ms(1); //1msecウェイト lcd_out(0x20, 1); // 4bit mode set lcd_delay_ms(1); //1msecウェイト lcd_cmd(0x2E); // DL=0 4bit mode lcd_cmd(0x08); // display off C=D=B=0 lcd_cmd(0x0D); // display on C=D=1 B=0 lcd_cmd(0x06); // entry I/D=1 S=0 lcd_cmd(0x02); // cursor home } }
//その他 FAT、グラフィックライブラリ関連のインクルードファイルは下記にあります。 //マイクロチップのライブラリダウンロードページ: Microchip Libraries for Applications 私がつかったバージョンは \microchip_solutions_v2013-02-15 です。 //GDDX関連のファイルは Microchip Graphics Display Designer X からダウンロードできます。 私がつかったバージョンは GDDX v.1.10 です //グラフィック液晶INT035TFTの関連情報は Displaytechのホームページ 及び DisplaytechのForum にあります。
PIC32MX795F512Lのグラフィック液晶 上段: PCからの受信文字列 下段: PCへの返信文字列 |
PC画面 | |
USB接続が 未接続の状態 |
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接続ボタンをクリックして USB接続が 確立した状態 |
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コンボボックスから ”U.K.”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
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次に、コンボボックスから ”America”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
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次に、コンボボックスから ”Japan”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
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次に、コンボボックスから ”中国”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
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最後に、コンボボックスから ”I am a boy”を選択して送信し、 返信をリストボックスに 受信した状態 |
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■ PIC32MX795F512L <HIDクラス・ホストモード> グラフィック液晶 ASSCII文字簡易エディタ
グラフィック液晶付PIC32MX795F512Lに USBコネクタの市販キーボードを接続した場合の 簡単なエディタを作ったので紹介します。
・PIC32MX795F512Lにグラフィック液晶を8080 16ビットパラレルで接続する
・市販の日本語109キーボードを接続して キーボードから打鍵して文字と記号をグラフィック液晶に表示する
・グラフィックでの文字にはマイクロチップのGDDXのStatic Text ウィジェットを用いる
・表示の他に エンターキーでの改行 及びバックスペースキーとデリートキーでの文字消去ができること
<プログラム例> //Main( ).c #include "Main.h" #include "GDD_Screens.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "GenericTypeDefs.h" #include "HardwareProfile.h" #include "usb_config.h" #include "USB/usb.h" #include "USB/usb_host_hid_parser.h" #include "USB/usb_host_hid.h" #include "1lcd_lib_C32.h" #define STOP_TIMER_IN_IDLE_MODE 0x2000 #define TIMER_SOURCE_INTERNAL 0x0000 #define TIMER_ON 0x8000 #define GATED_TIME_DISABLED 0x0000 #define TIMER_16BIT_MODE 0x0000 #define TIMER_PRESCALER_1 0x0000 #define TIMER_PRESCALER_8 0x0010 #define TIMER_PRESCALER_64 0x0020 #define TIMER_PRESCALER_256 0x0030 #define TIMER_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY 0x0001 // Configuration bits #pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1, FPLLMUL = MUL_20, FPLLIDIV = DIV_2, FWDTEN = OFF, FCKSM = CSECME, FPBDIV = DIV_1 #pragma config OSCIOFNC = ON, POSCMOD = XT, FSOSCEN = ON, FNOSC = PRIPLL #pragma config CP = OFF, BWP = OFF, PWP = OFF #pragma config UPLLEN = ON // USB PLL Enabled #pragma config UPLLIDIV = DIV_2 // USB PLL Input Divider typedef enum _APP_STATE { DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, DEVICE_CONNECTED, /* Device Enumerated - Report Descriptor Parsed */ READY_TO_TX_RX_REPORT, GET_INPUT_REPORT, /* perform operation on received report */ INPUT_REPORT_PENDING, SEND_OUTPUT_REPORT, /* Not needed in case of mouse */ OUTPUT_REPORT_PENDING, ERROR_REPORTED } APP_STATE; typedef struct _HID_REPORT_BUFFER { WORD Report_ID; WORD ReportSize; BYTE* ReportData; WORD ReportPollRate; } HID_REPORT_BUFFER; typedef struct _HID_LED_REPORT_BUFFER { BYTE NUM_LOCK : 1; BYTE CAPS_LOCK : 1; BYTE SCROLL_LOCK : 1; BYTE UNUSED : 5; } HID_LED_REPORT_BUFFER; #define MAX_ALLOWED_CURRENT (500) // Maximum power we can supply in mA #define MINIMUM_POLL_INTERVAL (0x0A) // Minimum Polling rate for HID reports is 10ms #define USAGE_PAGE_LEDS (0x08) #define USAGE_PAGE_KEY_CODES (0x07) #define USAGE_MIN_MODIFIER_KEY (0xE0) #define USAGE_MAX_MODIFIER_KEY (0xE7) #define USAGE_MIN_NORMAL_KEY (0x00) #define USAGE_MAX_NORMAL_KEY (0xFF) /* Array index for modifier keys */ #define MODIFIER_LEFT_CONTROL (0) #define MODIFIER_LEFT_SHIFT (1) #define MODIFIER_LEFT_ALT (2) #define MODIFIER_LEFT_GUI (3) #define MODIFIER_RIGHT_CONTROL (4) #define MODIFIER_RIGHT_SHIFT (5) #define MODIFIER_RIGHT_ALT (6) #define MODIFIER_RIGHT_GUI (7) #define HID_CAPS_LOCK_VAL (0x39) #define HID_NUM_LOCK_VAL (0x53) #define MAX_ERROR_COUNTER (10) #define LCD_LINE_ONE (1) #define LCD_LINE_TWO (2) // macros to identify special charaters(other than Digits and Alphabets) #define Symbol_Exclamation (0x1E) #define Symbol_AT (0x1F) #define Symbol_Pound (0x20) #define Symbol_Dollar (0x21) #define Symbol_Percentage (0x22) #define Symbol_Cap (0x23) #define Symbol_AND (0x24) #define Symbol_Star (0x25) #define Symbol_NormalBracketOpen (0x26) #define Symbol_NormalBracketClose (0x27) #define Symbol_Return (0x28) #define Symbol_Escape (0x29) #define Symbol_Backspace (0x2A) #define Symbol_Tab (0x2B) #define Symbol_Space (0x2C) #define Symbol_HyphenUnderscore (0x2D) #define Symbol_EqualAdd (0x2E) #define Symbol_BracketOpen (0x2F) #define Symbol_BracketClose (0x30) #define Symbol_BackslashOR (0x31) #define Symbol_SemiColon (0x33) #define Symbol_InvertedComma (0x34) #define Symbol_Tilde (0x35) //109キーボードの漢字・全角/半角キーとバティングしている #define Symbol_CommaLessThan (0x36) #define Symbol_PeriodGreaterThan (0x37) #define Symbol_FrontSlashQuestion (0x38) #define Symbol_Kanji (0x35) #define Symbol_ScrLK (0x47) #define Symbol_PrintScr (0x46) #define Symbol_Delete (0x4C) #define Symbol_PauseBreak (0x48) // APP_STATE App_State_Keyboard = DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; HID_DATA_DETAILS Appl_LED_Indicator; HID_DATA_DETAILS Appl_ModifierKeysDetails; HID_DATA_DETAILS Appl_NormalKeysDetails; HID_USER_DATA_SIZE Appl_BufferModifierKeys[8]; HID_USER_DATA_SIZE Appl_BufferNormalKeys[6]; HID_USER_DATA_SIZE Appl_ShadowBuffer1[6]; HID_REPORT_BUFFER Appl_raw_report_buffer; HID_LED_REPORT_BUFFER Appl_led_report_buffer; BYTE ErrorDriver; BYTE ErrorCounter; BYTE NumOfBytesRcvd; BOOL ReportBufferUpdated; BOOL LED_Key_Pressed = FALSE; BOOL DisplayConnectOnce = FALSE; BOOL DisplayDeatachOnce = FALSE; BYTE CAPS_Lock_Pressed = 0; BYTE NUM_Lock_Pressed = 0; BYTE HeldKeyCount = 0; BYTE HeldKey; BYTE currCharPos; BYTE FirstKeyPressed ; // SPI Device Initialization Function #if defined (USE_SST25VF016) #define FlashInit(pInitData) SST25Init((DRV_SPI_INIT_DATA*)pInitData) #if defined (SPI_CHANNEL_2_ENABLE) const DRV_SPI_INIT_DATA SPI_Init_Data = {SST25_SPI_CHANNEL, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}; #endif #endif BYTE App_HID2ASCII(BYTE a); //convert USB HID code (buffer[2 to 7]) to ASCII code void AppInitialize(void); BOOL AppGetParsedReportDetails(void); void App_Detect_Device(void); void App_ProcessInputReport(void); void App_PrepareOutputReport(void); void InitializeTimer(void); void App_Clear_Data_Buffer(void); BOOL App_CompareKeyPressedPrevBuf(BYTE data); void App_CopyToShadowBuffer(void); BOOL USB_HID_DataCollectionHandler(void); void LCD_Display_Routine(BYTE data, BYTE HIDData); void ProcessIO(void); char Buf[65]; //文字列のバッファー用レジスタ volatile DWORD tick = 0; // tick counter int myMode = 0; int GLcdLineNum = 0; //グラフィック液晶の行数 unsigned char Kaigyou[] = "\n"; unsigned char tempBuf[1024]; unsigned char* myAllChar; unsigned char tempBuf2[1024]; unsigned char* str20; int myLineNum = 0; //エディタの書込み行番号(0-12) int myColumnNum = -1; //表示する文字の列番号 int myCharPos = 0; // int myColumnNum0 = 30; // 関数のプロトタイプ宣言 void TickInit(void); // starts tick counter //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void delay_us(unsigned int usec) //1μsec遅延関数 { int count; count = (int)(Clock/20000000)*usec; do //実測: at Clock=80000000 { //delay_us(1000)→1003μsec、 delay_us(100)→102μsec、delay_us(10)→11μsec、delay_us(1)→1.6μsec asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); asm("NOP"); count--; }while(count != 0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void delay_ms(unsigned int msec) //1msec遅延関数 { unsigned int i; for(i=0; i<msec; i++) delay_us(1000); } int main(void) { INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); //ベクタ方式割り込みを許可する SYSTEMConfigPerformance(GetSystemClock()); //SYSTEMConfigPerformance(80000000);// システム最適化//キャッシュ・プリフェッチバッファ有効化 DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0; //I/OポートとしてRA0、RA1、RA4、RA5をつかう場合、電源投入後DDPCONレジスタのbit3を0に、設定する必要があり;ます。 SYSTEMConfigWaitStatesAndPB( GetSystemClock() ); //フラッシュメモリとPBCLKデバイダを指定したクロックで最適な状態に自動的に設定 CheKseg0CacheOn(); // Enable the cache for the best performance AD1PCFG =0xFFFF; //★必須 //Bポート:アナログ → デジタル TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISBbits.TRISB14 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISBbits.TRISB13 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISBbits.TRISB12 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISAbits.TRISA9 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISAbits.TRISA10 = 0; //キャラクタ液晶ポート設定 TRISGbits.TRISG15 = 0; //RG15(1番ピン)ポート LED点灯用 TRISDbits.TRISD2 = 0; //RD2 LED点灯用 TRISDbits.TRISD3 = 0; //RD3 LED点灯用 LATGbits.LATG15 = 1; //LED off LATDbits.LATD2 = 1; //LED off LATDbits.LATD3 = 1; //LED off TRISBbits.TRISB0 = 1; //RB0 in port TRISBbits.TRISB1 = 1; //RB1 in port lcd_init(); // LCD初期化 lcd_cmd(0b00001100); // カーソル:OFF ブリンク:OFF lcd_clear(); lcd_cmd(0x80); //1目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf,"USB & Touchi");// lcd_str(Buf); //液晶表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf," Start !!"); // lcd_str(Buf); // 開始メッセージ1行目表示 DisplayResetDisable(); //Sets RST high DisplayResetConfig(); //Sets the pin to output DelayMs(3000); //Wait 500 ms at startup SetColor(BLACK); ClearDevice(); GOL_MSG msg; // GOL message structure to interact with GOL GOLInit(); // Initialize graphics library and create default style scheme for GOL //SPIフラッシュメモリ初期化 //Set IOs directions for SST25 SPI //SST25VF016がないと正常に表示されない //抵抗膜をPIのがADコンバータを使用して、タッチ位置を検出する場合は位置校正記憶のためSST25VF016は必要 SST25_CS_LAT = 1; SST25_CS_TRIS = 0; SST25_SCK_TRIS = 0; SST25_SDO_TRIS = 0; SST25_SDI_TRIS = 1; FlashInit(&SPI_Init_Data); // initialize the Flash Memory driver USBInitialize(0); //USBイニシャライズ TouchHardwareInit(); //タッチパネル初期化 TickInit(); //タイマ4 初期化 GDDDemoCreateFirstScreen(); myAllChar = &tempBuf[0]; str20 = &tempBuf2[0]; while(1) { USBTasks(); ProcessIO(); if(GOLDraw()) // Draw GOL object { TouchGetMsg(&msg); // Get message from touch screen GOLMsg(&msg); // Process message } }//end while } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: WORD GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER* pObj, GOL_MSG* pMsg) // Input: objMsg - translated message for the object, // pObj - pointer to the object, // pMsg - pointer to the non-translated, raw GOL message // Output: if the function returns non-zero the message will be processed by default // Overview: it's a user defined function. GOLMsg() function calls it each // time the valid message for the object received ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WORD GOLMsgCallback(WORD objMsg, OBJ_HEADER *pObj, GOL_MSG *pMsg) { WORD objectID; objectID = GetObjID(pObj); GDDDemoGOLMsgCallback(objMsg, pObj, pMsg); // Add additional code here... return (1); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: WORD GOLDrawCallback() // Output: if the function returns non-zero the draw control will be passed to GOL // Overview: it's a user defined function. GOLDraw() function calls it each // time when GOL objects drawing is completed. User drawing should be done here. // GOL will not change color, line type and clipping region settings while // this function returns zero. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WORD GOLDrawCallback(void) { GDDDemoGOLDrawCallback(); // Add additional code here... return (1); } void __ISR(_TIMER_4_VECTOR, ipl1) _T4Interrupt(void) //タイマ4割り込み //100msec毎 { // LATGbits.LATG15 = 0; //割り込み時間(実測):3msec tick++; TMR4 = 0; mT4ClearIntFlag(); // Clear flag TouchDetectPosition(); /* lcd_clear(); // 全消去 lcd_cmd(0x80); //1行目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf,"X = %d",TouchGetX());//タッチX座標表示 lcd_str(Buf); //液晶表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf,"Y = %d",TouchGetY()); //タッチY座標表示 lcd_str(Buf); // 開始メッセージ1行目表示 */ // LATGbits.LATG15 = 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SAMPLE_PERIOD 500 // us #define TICK_PERIOD (GetPeripheralClock() * SAMPLE_PERIOD) / 4000000 //TICK_PERIOD = 80000000 * 500 / 4000000 = 80* 500 / 4 = 20*500 = 10000 void TickInit(void) //タイマ4初期化 { OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_PS_1_256, 31249); //1000/80000000*256*31249 =99.9968 msec // OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_PS_1_8, 10000); //2msec // OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_PS_1_8, TICK_PERIOD); //実測値:35μsec //オーバーフローエラー発生 ConfigIntTimer4(T4_INT_ON | T4_INT_PRIOR_1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void ProcessIO(void) { BYTE i; App_Detect_Device(); switch(App_State_Keyboard) { case DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED: USBTasks(); if(DisplayDeatachOnce == FALSE) { lcd_clear(); lcd_cmd(0x80); sprintf(Buf,"Device Det"); lcd_str(Buf); // LCDDisplayString((BYTE*)"Device Detached ", LCD_LINE_ONE); DisplayDeatachOnce = TRUE; } if(USBHostHID_ApiDeviceDetect()) /* True if report descriptor is parsed with no error */ { App_State_Keyboard = DEVICE_CONNECTED; DisplayConnectOnce = FALSE; } break; case DEVICE_CONNECTED: App_State_Keyboard = READY_TO_TX_RX_REPORT; if(DisplayConnectOnce == FALSE) { lcd_clear(); lcd_cmd(0x80); sprintf(Buf,"EX16 Boare ");// lcd_str(Buf); //液晶表示 lcd_cmd(0xC0); //2行目の先頭へ sprintf(Buf,"USB HIDHost Demo"); // lcd_str(Buf); // 開始メッセージ1行目表示 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE UART2PrintString( "Explorer16 Board \r\n" ); UART2PrintString( "USB HIDHost Demo \r\n" ); #endif DisplayConnectOnce = TRUE; DisplayDeatachOnce = FALSE; } InitializeTimer(); // start 10ms timer to schedule input reports break; case READY_TO_TX_RX_REPORT: if(!USBHostHID_ApiDeviceDetect()) { App_State_Keyboard = DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; // DisplayOnce = FALSE; } break; case GET_INPUT_REPORT: if(USBHostHID_ApiGetReport(Appl_raw_report_buffer.Report_ID,Appl_ModifierKeysDetails.interfaceNum, Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportSize, Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportData)) { /* Host may be busy/error -- keep trying */ } else { App_State_Keyboard = INPUT_REPORT_PENDING; } USBTasks(); break; case INPUT_REPORT_PENDING: if(USBHostHID_ApiTransferIsComplete(&ErrorDriver,&NumOfBytesRcvd)) { if(ErrorDriver ||(NumOfBytesRcvd != Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportSize )) { ErrorCounter++ ; if(MAX_ERROR_COUNTER <= ErrorDriver) App_State_Keyboard = ERROR_REPORTED; else App_State_Keyboard = READY_TO_TX_RX_REPORT; } else { ErrorCounter = 0; ReportBufferUpdated = TRUE; App_State_Keyboard = READY_TO_TX_RX_REPORT; if(DisplayConnectOnce == TRUE) { for(i=0;i<Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportSize;i++) { if(Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportData[i] != 0) { lcd_clear(); lcd_cmd(0x80); DisplayConnectOnce = FALSE; } } } App_ProcessInputReport(); //キーボード入力検出・表示 App_PrepareOutputReport(); } } break; case SEND_OUTPUT_REPORT: /* Will be done while implementing Keyboard */ if(USBHostHID_ApiSendReport(Appl_LED_Indicator.reportID,Appl_LED_Indicator.interfaceNum, Appl_LED_Indicator.reportLength, (BYTE*)&Appl_led_report_buffer)) { /* Host may be busy/error -- keep trying */ } else { App_State_Keyboard = OUTPUT_REPORT_PENDING; } USBTasks(); break; case OUTPUT_REPORT_PENDING: if(USBHostHID_ApiTransferIsComplete(&ErrorDriver,&NumOfBytesRcvd)) { if(ErrorDriver) { ErrorCounter++ ; if(MAX_ERROR_COUNTER <= ErrorDriver) App_State_Keyboard = ERROR_REPORTED; // App_State_Keyboard = READY_TO_TX_RX_REPORT; } else { ErrorCounter = 0; App_State_Keyboard = READY_TO_TX_RX_REPORT; } } break; case ERROR_REPORTED: break; default: break; } } /**************************************************************************** Function: void App_PrepareOutputReport(void) Description: This function schedules output report if any LED indicator key is pressed. Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ void App_PrepareOutputReport(void) { // if((READY_TO_TX_RX_REPORT == App_State_Keyboard) && (ReportBufferUpdated == TRUE)) if(ReportBufferUpdated == TRUE) { ReportBufferUpdated = FALSE; if(LED_Key_Pressed) { App_State_Keyboard = SEND_OUTPUT_REPORT; LED_Key_Pressed = FALSE; } } } /**************************************************************************** Function: void App_ProcessInputReport(void) Description: This function processes input report received from HID device. Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ void App_ProcessInputReport(void) { BYTE i; BYTE data; /* process input report received from device */ USBHostHID_ApiImportData(Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportData, Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportSize ,Appl_BufferModifierKeys, &Appl_ModifierKeysDetails); USBHostHID_ApiImportData(Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportData, Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportSize ,Appl_BufferNormalKeys, &Appl_NormalKeysDetails); for(i=0;i<(sizeof(Appl_BufferNormalKeys)/sizeof(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[0]));i++) { if(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i] != 0) { if(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i] == HID_CAPS_LOCK_VAL) { CAPS_Lock_Pressed = !CAPS_Lock_Pressed; LED_Key_Pressed = TRUE; Appl_led_report_buffer.CAPS_LOCK = CAPS_Lock_Pressed; }else if(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i] == HID_NUM_LOCK_VAL) { NUM_Lock_Pressed = !NUM_Lock_Pressed; LED_Key_Pressed = TRUE; Appl_led_report_buffer.NUM_LOCK = NUM_Lock_Pressed; }else { /* check if key press was present in previous report */ // if key press was pressed in previous report neglect it ???? if(!App_CompareKeyPressedPrevBuf(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i])) { //アスキーコードに変換----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data = App_HID2ASCII(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i]); // convert data to ascii LCD_Display_Routine(data,Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i] ); } } } else { if(i==0) { HeldKeyCount = 0; } else { if(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i-1] == HeldKey) { if(HeldKeyCount < 3) { HeldKeyCount++; } else { //アスキーコードに変換----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data = App_HID2ASCII(HeldKey); // convert data to ascii LCD_Display_Routine(data,HeldKey ); } } else { HeldKeyCount = 0; HeldKey = Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i-1]; } } break; } } App_CopyToShadowBuffer(); App_Clear_Data_Buffer(); } /**************************************************************************** Function: void App_CopyToShadowBuffer(void) Description: This function updates the shadow buffers with previous reports. Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ void App_CopyToShadowBuffer(void) { BYTE i; for(i=0;i<(sizeof(Appl_BufferNormalKeys)/sizeof(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[0]));i++) { Appl_ShadowBuffer1[i] = Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i]; } } /**************************************************************************** Function: BOOL App_CompareKeyPressedPrevBuf(BYTE data) Description: This function compares if the data byte received in report was sent in previous report. This is to avoid duplication incase user key in strokes at fast rate. Precondition: None Parameters: BYTE data - data byte that needs to be compared with previous report Return Values: None Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ BOOL App_CompareKeyPressedPrevBuf(BYTE data) { BYTE i; for(i=0;i<(sizeof(Appl_BufferNormalKeys)/sizeof(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[0]));i++) { if(data == Appl_ShadowBuffer1[i]) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /**************************************************************************** Function: void App_Detect_Device(void) Description: This function monitors the status of device connected/disconnected Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ void App_Detect_Device(void) { if(!USBHostHID_ApiDeviceDetect()) { App_State_Keyboard = DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; } } /**************************************************************************** Function: void App_Clear_Data_Buffer(void) Description: This function clears the content of report buffer after reading Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ void App_Clear_Data_Buffer(void) { BYTE i; for(i=0;i<(sizeof(Appl_BufferNormalKeys)/sizeof(Appl_BufferNormalKeys[0]));i++) { Appl_BufferNormalKeys[i] = 0; } for(i=0;i<Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportSize;i++) { Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportData[i] = 0; } } /**************************************************************************** Function: BYTE App_HID2ASCII(BYTE a) Description: This function converts the HID code of the key pressed to coressponding ASCII value. For Key strokes like Esc, Enter, Tab etc it returns 0. Precondition: None Parameters: BYTE a - HID code for the key pressed Return Values: BYTE - ASCII code for the key pressed Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ BYTE App_HID2ASCII(BYTE a) //convert USB HID code (buffer[2 to 7]) to ASCII code { BYTE AsciiVal; BYTE ShiftkeyStatus = 0; if((Appl_BufferModifierKeys[MODIFIER_LEFT_SHIFT] == 1)||(Appl_BufferModifierKeys[MODIFIER_RIGHT_SHIFT] == 1)) { ShiftkeyStatus = 1; } if(a>=0x1E && a<=0x27) { if(ShiftkeyStatus) { switch(a) { case Symbol_Exclamation: AsciiVal = 0x21; break; case Symbol_AT: AsciiVal = 0x40; break; case Symbol_Pound: AsciiVal = 0x23; break; case Symbol_Dollar: AsciiVal = 0x24; break; case Symbol_Percentage: AsciiVal = 0x25; break; case Symbol_Cap: AsciiVal = 0x5E; break; case Symbol_AND: AsciiVal = 0x26; break; case Symbol_Star: AsciiVal = 0x2A; break; case Symbol_NormalBracketOpen: AsciiVal = 0x28; break; case Symbol_NormalBracketClose: AsciiVal = 0x29; break; default: break; } return(AsciiVal); } else { if(a==0x27) { return(0x30); } else { return(a+0x13); } } } if((a>=0x59 && a<=0x61)&&(NUM_Lock_Pressed == 1)) { return(a-0x28); } if((a==0x62) &&(NUM_Lock_Pressed == 1)) return(0x30); if(a>=0x04 && a<=0x1D) { if(((CAPS_Lock_Pressed == 1)&&((Appl_BufferModifierKeys[MODIFIER_LEFT_SHIFT] == 0)&& (Appl_BufferModifierKeys[MODIFIER_RIGHT_SHIFT] == 0))) ||((CAPS_Lock_Pressed == 0)&&((Appl_BufferModifierKeys[MODIFIER_LEFT_SHIFT] == 1) || (Appl_BufferModifierKeys[MODIFIER_RIGHT_SHIFT] == 1)))) return(a+0x3d); /* return capital */ else return(a+0x5d); /* return small case */ } if(a>=0x2D && a<=0x38) { switch(a) { case Symbol_HyphenUnderscore: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x2D; else AsciiVal = 0x5F; break; case Symbol_EqualAdd: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x3D; else AsciiVal = 0x2B; break; case Symbol_BracketOpen: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x5B; else AsciiVal = 0x7B; break; case Symbol_BracketClose: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x5D; else AsciiVal = 0x7D; break; case Symbol_BackslashOR: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x5C; else AsciiVal = 0x7C; break; case Symbol_SemiColon: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x3B; else AsciiVal = 0x3A; break; case Symbol_InvertedComma: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x27; else AsciiVal = 0x22; break; case Symbol_Tilde: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x60; else AsciiVal = 0x7E; break; case Symbol_CommaLessThan: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x2C; else AsciiVal = 0x3C; break; case Symbol_PeriodGreaterThan: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x2E; else AsciiVal = 0x3E; break; case Symbol_FrontSlashQuestion: if(!ShiftkeyStatus) AsciiVal = 0x2F; else AsciiVal = 0x3F; break; default: break; } return(AsciiVal); } return(0); } /**************************************************************************** Function: void LCD_Display_Routine(BYTE data , BYTE HIDData) Description: This function displays the key strokes on the LCD mounted on Explorer16 demo board. Precondition: None Parameters: BYTE data - ASCII code for the key pressed BYTE HIDData - HID code for the key pressed, this is needed to take action for keys like Esc, Enter, Tab etc. Return Values: None Remarks: ***************************************************************************/ void LCD_Display_Routine(BYTE data , BYTE HIDData) { BYTE LineNum; BYTE CharPos; int i; LineNum = ((currCharPos & 0x30) >> 4); CharPos = currCharPos & 0x0F; if(((HIDData>=0x1E && HIDData<=0x27) || (HIDData>=0x04 && HIDData<=0x1D) || (HIDData>=0x2D && HIDData<=0x38) || ((HIDData>=0x59 && HIDData<=0x62)&&(NUM_Lock_Pressed == 1))) && (HIDData != 0x35)) //0x35: 漢字キー追加 { lcd_data(data); currCharPos++; if(myColumnNum == (myColumnNum0 - 1)) { strncat(myAllChar,Kaigyou,16); //改行記号\n 追加 myCharPos++; myColumnNum = 0; //列番号リセット myLineNum++; if(myLineNum == 13) { //グラフィック液晶のStatic Text Widgetに表示 STATICTEXT *pSTE_1 = (STATICTEXT*)GOLFindObject(STE_1); //エディットボックスのオブジェクト検出 pSTE_1->hdr.state = ST_DRAW; //再描画により文字は左アラインにリセットされる for(i = 0; i <1024; i++)tempBuf[i] = 0x00; StSetText((STATICTEXT*)pSTE_1, myAllChar); // SetState(pSTE_1, ST_DRAW); } } sprintf(Buf,"%c",data); myCharPos++; myColumnNum++; } else if(HIDData == 0x29) // escape key pressed { lcd_clear(); lcd_cmd(0x80); currCharPos = 0; // sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = ESC",HIDData,data,data); } else if (HIDData == 0x2C) //スペースが押された場合 { lcd_data(0x20); // /0x20: アスキー文字のスペース currCharPos++; data = 0x20; sprintf(Buf,"%c",data); myCharPos++; } else if (HIDData == Symbol_Backspace) //バックスペースが押された場合 { if(currCharPos != 0) { lcd_cmd(0b00010000); lcd_data(0x20); // space ascii value 0x20 lcd_cmd(0b00010000); currCharPos--; } sprintf(Buf,"%c",0x00); //0x20: アスキー文字のスペース myCharPos--; myColumnNum--; if(myColumnNum < 0) { myColumnNum = myColumnNum0; myLineNum--; } if(tempBuf[myCharPos] == '\n')myCharPos--; tempBuf[myCharPos] = 0x00; //文字列終端記号\0をセット } else if((HIDData>=0x4F && HIDData<=0x52) || (( HIDData==0x5C || HIDData==0x5E || HIDData==0x5A || HIDData==0x60 ) && (NUM_Lock_Pressed == 0))) { switch(HIDData) { case 0x4F : // Right Arrow case 0x5E : lcd_cmd(0b00010100); currCharPos++; sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = Right Arrow",HIDData,data,data); break; case 0x50 : // Left Arrow case 0x5C : lcd_cmd(0b00010000); currCharPos--; sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = Left Arrow",HIDData,data,data); break; case 0x52 : // Up Arrow case 0x60 : if(LineNum == 1) { // LCDShiftCursorUp(); //対応する関数なし currCharPos = currCharPos - 16; LineNum = 0; } sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = Up Arrow",HIDData,data,data); break; case 0x51 : // Down Arrow case 0x5A : if(LineNum == 0) { // LCDShiftCursorDown(); //対応する関数なし currCharPos = currCharPos + 16; LineNum = 1; } sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = Down Arrow",HIDData,data,data); break; default : break; } } else if(HIDData == Symbol_Return) { sprintf(Buf,"\n"); myCharPos++; myColumnNum = 0; myLineNum++; if(myLineNum == 13) { //グラフィック液晶のStatic Text Widgetに表示 STATICTEXT *pSTE_1 = (STATICTEXT*)GOLFindObject(STE_1); //エディットボックスのオブジェクト検出 pSTE_1->hdr.state = ST_DRAW; //再描画により文字は左アラインにリセットされる for(i = 0; i <1024; i++)tempBuf[i] = 0x00; StSetText((STATICTEXT*)pSTE_1, myAllChar); // SetState(pSTE_1, ST_DRAW); } // sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = Return",HIDData,data,data); } else if(HIDData == Symbol_Kanji) { // sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = Kanji",HIDData,data,data); } else if(HIDData == Symbol_Tab) { // sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = Tab",HIDData,data,data); } else if(HIDData == Symbol_Delete) { // sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = Delete",HIDData,data,data); } else if(HIDData == Symbol_PrintScr) { // sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = PrintScr",HIDData,data,data); } else if(HIDData == Symbol_PauseBreak) { // sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = PauseBreak",HIDData,data,data); } else if(HIDData == Symbol_ScrLK) { // sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = ScrLK",HIDData,data,data); } else { sprintf(Buf,"HID = 0x%x, Key = ?",HIDData,data,data); } //グラフィック液晶のStatic Text Widgetに表示 STATICTEXT *pSTE_1 = (STATICTEXT*)GOLFindObject(STE_1); //エディットボックスのオブジェクト検出 pSTE_1->hdr.state = ST_DRAW; //再描画により文字は左アラインにリセットされる strncat(myAllChar,Buf,65); //文字追加 StSetText((STATICTEXT*)pSTE_1, myAllChar); // SetState(pSTE_1, ST_DRAW); LineNum = ((currCharPos & 0x30) >> 4); CharPos = currCharPos & 0x0F; if((LineNum == 1) && (CharPos == 0x0)) { lcd_cmd(0xC0); currCharPos = 0x10; }else if((LineNum == 2) && (CharPos == 0x0)) { lcd_clear(); lcd_cmd(0x80); currCharPos = 0; } if(currCharPos > 0x20) { lcd_clear(); lcd_cmd(0x80); currCharPos = 0; } } /**************************************************************************** Function: BOOL USB_HID_DataCollectionHandler(void) Description: This function is invoked by HID client , purpose is to collect the details extracted from the report descriptor. HID client will store information extracted from the report descriptor in data structures. Application needs to create object for each report type it needs to extract. For ex: HID_DATA_DETAILS Appl_ModifierKeysDetails; HID_DATA_DETAILS is defined in file usb_host_hid_appl_interface.h Each member of the structure must be initialized inside this function. Application interface layer provides functions : USBHostHID_ApiFindBit() USBHostHID_ApiFindValue() These functions can be used to fill in the details as shown in the demo code. Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: TRUE - If the report details are collected successfully. FALSE - If the application does not find the the supported format. Remarks: This Function name should be entered in the USB configuration tool in the field "Parsed Data Collection handler". If the application does not define this function , then HID cient assumes that Application is aware of report format of the attached device. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL USB_HID_DataCollectionHandler(void) { BYTE NumOfReportItem = 0; BYTE i; USB_HID_ITEM_LIST* pitemListPtrs; USB_HID_DEVICE_RPT_INFO* pDeviceRptinfo; HID_REPORTITEM *reportItem; HID_USAGEITEM *hidUsageItem; BYTE usageIndex; BYTE reportIndex; BOOL foundLEDIndicator = FALSE; BOOL foundModifierKey = FALSE; BOOL foundNormalKey = FALSE; pDeviceRptinfo = USBHostHID_GetCurrentReportInfo(); // Get current Report Info pointer pitemListPtrs = USBHostHID_GetItemListPointers(); // Get pointer to list of item pointers BOOL status = FALSE; /* Find Report Item Index for Modifier Keys */ /* Once report Item is located , extract information from data structures provided by the parser */ NumOfReportItem = pDeviceRptinfo->reportItems; for(i=0;i<NumOfReportItem;i++) { reportItem = &pitemListPtrs->reportItemList[i]; if((reportItem->reportType==hidReportInput) && (reportItem->dataModes == HIDData_Variable)&& (reportItem->globals.usagePage==USAGE_PAGE_KEY_CODES)) { /* We now know report item points to modifier keys */ /* Now make sure usage Min & Max are as per application */ usageIndex = reportItem->firstUsageItem; hidUsageItem = &pitemListPtrs->usageItemList[usageIndex]; if((hidUsageItem->usageMinimum == USAGE_MIN_MODIFIER_KEY) &&(hidUsageItem->usageMaximum == USAGE_MAX_MODIFIER_KEY)) //else application cannot suuport { reportIndex = reportItem->globals.reportIndex; Appl_ModifierKeysDetails.reportLength = (pitemListPtrs->reportList[reportIndex].inputBits + 7)/8; Appl_ModifierKeysDetails.reportID = (BYTE)reportItem->globals.reportID; Appl_ModifierKeysDetails.bitOffset = (BYTE)reportItem->startBit; Appl_ModifierKeysDetails.bitLength = (BYTE)reportItem->globals.reportsize; Appl_ModifierKeysDetails.count=(BYTE)reportItem->globals.reportCount; Appl_ModifierKeysDetails.interfaceNum= USBHostHID_ApiGetCurrentInterfaceNum(); foundModifierKey = TRUE; } } else if((reportItem->reportType==hidReportInput) && (reportItem->dataModes == HIDData_Array)&& (reportItem->globals.usagePage==USAGE_PAGE_KEY_CODES)) { /* We now know report item points to modifier keys */ /* Now make sure usage Min & Max are as per application */ usageIndex = reportItem->firstUsageItem; hidUsageItem = &pitemListPtrs->usageItemList[usageIndex]; if((hidUsageItem->usageMinimum == USAGE_MIN_NORMAL_KEY) &&(hidUsageItem->usageMaximum <= USAGE_MAX_NORMAL_KEY)) //else application cannot suuport { reportIndex = reportItem->globals.reportIndex; Appl_NormalKeysDetails.reportLength = (pitemListPtrs->reportList[reportIndex].inputBits + 7)/8; Appl_NormalKeysDetails.reportID = (BYTE)reportItem->globals.reportID; Appl_NormalKeysDetails.bitOffset = (BYTE)reportItem->startBit; Appl_NormalKeysDetails.bitLength = (BYTE)reportItem->globals.reportsize; Appl_NormalKeysDetails.count=(BYTE)reportItem->globals.reportCount; Appl_NormalKeysDetails.interfaceNum= USBHostHID_ApiGetCurrentInterfaceNum(); foundNormalKey = TRUE; } } else if((reportItem->reportType==hidReportOutput) && (reportItem->globals.usagePage==USAGE_PAGE_LEDS)) { usageIndex = reportItem->firstUsageItem; hidUsageItem = &pitemListPtrs->usageItemList[usageIndex]; reportIndex = reportItem->globals.reportIndex; Appl_LED_Indicator.reportLength = (pitemListPtrs->reportList[reportIndex].outputBits + 7)/8; Appl_LED_Indicator.reportID = (BYTE)reportItem->globals.reportID; Appl_LED_Indicator.bitOffset = (BYTE)reportItem->startBit; Appl_LED_Indicator.bitLength = (BYTE)reportItem->globals.reportsize; Appl_LED_Indicator.count=(BYTE)reportItem->globals.reportCount; Appl_LED_Indicator.interfaceNum= USBHostHID_ApiGetCurrentInterfaceNum(); foundLEDIndicator = TRUE; } } if(pDeviceRptinfo->reports == 1) { Appl_raw_report_buffer.Report_ID = 0; Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportSize = (pitemListPtrs->reportList[reportIndex].inputBits + 7)/8; Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportData = (BYTE*)malloc(Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportSize); Appl_raw_report_buffer.ReportPollRate = pDeviceRptinfo->reportPollingRate; if((foundNormalKey == TRUE)&&(foundModifierKey == TRUE)) status = TRUE; } return(status); } /**************************************************************************** Function: void InitializeTimer( void ) Description: This function initializes the tick timer. It configures and starts the timer, and enables the timer interrupt. Precondition: None Parameters: None Returns: None Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ void InitializeTimer( void ) //タイマ4 → タイマ5に変更 //GDDXのインターバルタイマ(タイマ4)とバッティング回避 { //TODO - PIC32 support T5CON = 0x0; //Stop and Init Timer // T4CON = 0x0; //Stop and Init Timer T5CON = 0x0060; // T4CON = 0x0060; //prescaler=1:64, //internal clock TMR5 = 0; //Clear timer register // TMR4 = 0; //Clear timer register PR5 = 0x7FFF; //Load period register //PR4 = 0x7FFF; //Load period register //1000/80000000*64*0x7FFF(32767) = 26.2msec // OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_PS_1_256, 31249); //1000/80000000*256*31249 =99.9968 msec IPC5SET = 0x00000004; // Set priority level=1 and // IPC4SET = 0x00000004; // Set priority level=1 and IPC5SET = 0x00000001; // Set subpriority level=1 // IPC4SET = 0x00000001; // Set subpriority level=1 // Could have also done this in single // operation by assigning IPC5SET = 0x00000005 // IFS0CLR = 0x00010000; // Clear the Timer5 interrupt status flag // IEC0SET = 0x00010000; // Enable Timer5 interrupts IFS0bits.T5IF = 0; // IFS0bits.T4IF = 0; IEC0bits.T5IE = 1; // IEC0bits.T4IE = 1; T5CONSET = 0x8000;//Start Timer // T4CONSET = 0x8000;//Start Timer return; } /**************************************************************************** Function: void __attribute__((__interrupt__, auto_psv)) _T3Interrupt(void) Description: Timer ISR, used to update application state. If no transfers are pending new input request is scheduled. Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: None Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ #pragma interrupt _T5Interrupt ipl4 vector 20 //タイマ5 //割込みレベル:4 //ベクター番号:20 //#pragma interrupt _T4Interrupt ipl4 vector 16 void _T5Interrupt(void) //void _T4Interrupt( void ) { if(myMode == 0) { myMode = 1; LATDbits.LATD3 = 0; } else { myMode = 0; LATDbits.LATD3 = 1; } if (IFS0bits.T5IF) // if (IFS0bits.T4IF) { IFS0bits.T5IF = 0; // IFS0bits.T4IF = 0; if(READY_TO_TX_RX_REPORT == App_State_Keyboard) { App_State_Keyboard = GET_INPUT_REPORT; // If no report is pending schedule new request } } } // USB Support Functions BOOL USB_ApplicationEventHandler( BYTE address, USB_EVENT event, void *data, DWORD size ) { switch( (INT)event ) { case EVENT_VBUS_REQUEST_POWER: // The data pointer points to a byte that represents the amount of power // requested in mA, divided by two. If the device wants too much power, // we reject it. if (((USB_VBUS_POWER_EVENT_DATA*)data)->current <= (MAX_ALLOWED_CURRENT / 2)) { return TRUE; } else { UART2PrintString( "\r\n***** USB Error - device requires too much current *****\r\n" ); } break; case EVENT_VBUS_RELEASE_POWER: // Turn off Vbus power. // The PIC24F with the Explorer 16 cannot turn off Vbus through software. return TRUE; break; case EVENT_HUB_ATTACH: UART2PrintString( "\r\n***** USB Error - hubs are not supported *****\r\n" ); return TRUE; break; case EVENT_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE: UART2PrintString( "\r\n***** USB Error - device is not supported *****\r\n" ); return TRUE; break; case EVENT_CANNOT_ENUMERATE: UART2PrintString( "\r\n***** USB Error - cannot enumerate device *****\r\n" ); return TRUE; break; case EVENT_CLIENT_INIT_ERROR: UART2PrintString( "\r\n***** USB Error - client driver initialization error *****\r\n" ); return TRUE; break; case EVENT_OUT_OF_MEMORY: UART2PrintString( "\r\n***** USB Error - out of heap memory *****\r\n" ); return TRUE; break; case EVENT_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR: // This should never be generated. UART2PrintString( "\r\n***** USB Error - unspecified *****\r\n" ); return TRUE; break; case EVENT_HID_RPT_DESC_PARSED: #ifdef APPL_COLLECT_PARSED_DATA return(APPL_COLLECT_PARSED_DATA()); #else return TRUE; #endif break; default: break; } return FALSE; }
//その他 FAT、グラフィックライブラリ関連のインクルードファイルは下記にあります。 //マイクロチップのライブラリダウンロードページ: Microchip Libraries for Applications 私がつかったバージョンは \microchip_solutions_v2013-02-15 です。 //GDDX関連のファイルは Microchip Graphics Display Designer X からダウンロードできます。 私がつかったバージョンは GDDX v.1.10 です //グラフィック液晶INT035TFTの関連情報は Displaytechのホームページ 及び DisplaytechのForum にあります。
main() { }